So basically I was hacked last Thursday night. Blizzard did an awesome job on the recovery (though im still missing some minor things and minor gold) but now im trying to figure out where it came from. I also got my email hacked (not my email) a week before that, sending spam links to my contacts. Also taken care of.
No trolls ..... I didnt buy gold or a leveling service, never have never will. Not really blaming anyone anyway, fully my fault im sure.
Still im trying to figure out where it came from to make sure it doesnt happen again. Scans on both my home computer and work computer have turned up nothing but your standard cookies. The main suspect now is from when I visited my very computer illiterate mother and got on her laptop computer. This, however, was over 3 weeks ago. That and I also got in my FB account which up until today hasnt posted anything weird (not hacked ... yet) hers is though. Cant scan her computer ATM but I want to make sure ... does it usually take 2-3 weeks for a hacker/gold farmer to get in and wipe stuff out of your WoW account after they get your info? I thought it was immediate, 2-3 days tops.
TL:DR: How long does it usually take to get hacked once your information is taken?