I'm on Nagrand (Oceanic) and a message just popped up that server will restart in 15 mins. This is 3rd time today. We had 2 restarts already.
Anyone else had multiple restarts today?
I understand how frustrating this can be, guys, but know that we don't issue such abrupt restarts unless it's really urgent that we need to.
This was so urgent that it happened before most of us here even knew it was happening. We try to avoid these situations and give you all a heads up as early as possible, but it's unfortunately not always going to happen that way. We appreciate your understanding and patience in these situations as we work to make your experiences as epic as they can be. |
I've just been informed that these restarts were to help alleviate and prevent lag issues. These are the kinds of situations where if they are not immediately addressed, they snowball into much bigger issues that can result in the game being unplayable for an extensive period of time.
I know it can be extremely frustrating to have your game time suddenly interrupted, but we generally don't hit the restart button unless we absolutely have to. *Edit* Please keep this thread on topic. I feel there is some unnecessary discussion going on that may end up detracting from the information I'm able to provide on the situation. |
Only if they are required. If something like that comes up, we'll be sure to notify you guys as soon as possible in all our usual venues. This includes our Service Status forum and our @BlizzardCS Twitter feed. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/1011700/ http://www.twitter.com/BlizzardCS At this time, Rolling Restarts should be complete. |