Fun little Quest to get this Mount.
The Skin is not a different form, but it is colored differently than other saber mounts. Cool enough. At least the color is different.
BUT...the Mount has a speed of 100% like a normal Mount. It says that in the Icon when it's out.
This is a lvl 60 Quest. I would have thought this Mount would have been a Swiftmount. So big disappointment there. In fact I was hoping it had a faster speed than a Swiftmount. this way, I would use it sometimes other than my Flightmount...would have been a very cool thing there. But no such luck.
Then I noticed my other Swiftsaber Mount says 100% increased speed.
AND I noticed they seem to be no faster than a normal Mount.
If this is true, it's a real shame all these mounts are the same speed now.
If the Mounts are different speeds, and I'm imagining things, BLIZZ STILL needs to reflect that speed % accurately in the Icon plz.
What is going on here...LOL.
Thanks :D