It's so incredibly anecdotal there isn't even a proper frame of reference for having this debate. Yes, it's working as intended that the first guild in the world to kill Heroic Ragnaros was allowed to bring whatever players/classes they were confident would help get the job done. |
It doesn't matter at all unless you can verify and prove that Heroic Ragnaros is impossible, or way more difficult to kill, when a specific class or specialization is represented in the raid. You're forcing together a couple of incredibly fragmented pieces of data -- and the sample size of that tested data is 25 players in the whole world fighting one boss in the entire game -- to extrapolate an entire thesis on class balance. No one is going to benefit from trying to make an argument out of this. |
That's a pretty ineffective way to consider class balance. It's as though you're suggesting the answer to perceived shaman woes is for us to buff them until the top guilds in the world must bring them to their raids for world first kills. That's a vacuum in which class balance should never work. One thing you're certainly not doing is counting all of the kills of each of the Heroic bosses which followed the world firsts. Shaman have certainly been present for Heroic boss kills in Cataclysm, but that data doesn't support your argument. You want to focus on, what, four total boss kills over the last eight months? Out of tens of thousands of Heroic boss kills which have occurred globally since Cataclysm, do you really think you're presenting a fair case?
I'm not interested in having a conversation where you reinterpret everything I say to justify your preconceived feelings about the topic. You can either read what I've written and consider the statements on their own merits, or you can see what you want to see. Speaking of typical and cookie cutter though, here's one for the record books: "Class X is clearly not good enough because guild Y didn't use it the very first time they killed your current hardest boss." If you want to continue debating this in this thread, that's fine. I'll just reiterate that you're not going to be selling us on any points of perceived class imbalance based on one raid composition for killing one boss once. |
Yes, there's certainly a pattern here. But no matter how hard you try, you can't accurately draw such broad conclusions from this pattern, because the data has virtually no frame of reference in the grand scheme of World of Warcraft class balance and gameplay. |
No, because I didn't say that. You did.
You shouldn't be so sure. You asked a rhetorical question based on a false premise, and then accepted an answer to the question I never gave. |