I just purchased cataclysm collectors edition, and both my accounts are already upgraded to cataclysm.
I'd like to redeem my lil deathwing pet, but am told i need to use my CE key to "overwrite" my regular cata key.
Will I be able to "retrieve" my old key? A blue said I may be able to here http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/1622904289#new-post
Has anyone confirmed if this is possible?
I'd like to redeem my pet without losing a cataclysm upgrade I was planning on giving my brother.
To my knowledge, here on North American realms, there is no way to recover a key that is already used when an upgrade is applied over it.
That post is from EU. They do sometimes have slightly different policies than we do. While you would be welcome to call OUR Billing department to double check, unless something has changed very recently I'm not aware of - the answer will be once a key is used, it's burned and no longer available for use. |
Oceanic realms are in the North American region, yes. They are also located here physically. The only real difference is the time zones the realms are set to. |