What ruined World of Warcraft and can it be saved? Answer Below.
World of Warcraft was ruined when the dungeon finder was added. It took away all sense of community and it removed popular "blacklisting" sites from play. Ninjas run free, no one communicates, people get to teleport to their dungeons and then back to their original areas. If World of Warcraft were to get rid of the dungeon finder, add community and blacklisting back into the game, then the *@#%#!%s would never get in groups, good quality and fun people would group together to complete dungeons and quest like the old days. Raiding is supposed to be hard and for the hardcore player so quit QQing about raids being hard. They need to be nearly impossible and get rid of regular modes. We only need heroic modes. If you can't handle that raiding then you become a pvp god like u did in vanilla when you couldn't raid. World of Warcraft has started the decline, first 600 million subscribers, whats next? I suggest that all World of Warcraft players go to www.swtor.com to check out a worthwhile brand spankin' new MMORPG. This game has run its course and is dying a slow death.
I'm closing this thread. Frankly, it's confusing for players who don't frequent the forums so often to come here and see a thread an hour, all with very different reasons why the game is dead, or close to it. That's up to an estimated 24 threads a day from 24 different people about the perilous state of World of Warcraft. I'd hate for those 24 threads to confuse the millions of other people spending their time playing the game, should they happen to visit the website in their down time.