I have been reading the forums since the realms came back up and I'm really surprised by a trend I see. Most of us know that patch day can be a bit painful, but clears up quickly due to Blizzard's great GM and Technical support staff.
My question is:
Why would players CHOOSE to wait til the moment the servers come up after a patch to perform a paid service or add time to their account? After waiting til the worst possible moment, they get belligerent and rude because "Blizz's service is slow".
It seems really passive-aggressive to wait until the worst possible moment and CAUSE your own frustration instead of taking care of the services ahead of time. Do they just WANT something to complain about?
Vâ l--
If you have constructive feedback to provide on this matter and ways you think waiting to perform a character service would better suit our player base, you may wish to do so on the General Forum. General Forum http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/984270/ |