Is there anything in the ToS (which I have barely ever skimmed) that states I would not be allowed to sell, say, a Winged Guardian for in-game gold by accepting gold in return for purchasing and gifting it to another player for an amount of gold to be settled between myself and the interested player?
Epic Run-on sentences aside. Does blizz leave open this loophole for us to legitimately exploit, in exchange for offering their product to a player base which might not normally have a means by which to purchase it for themselves?
Ipso facto and all that? Hit me with your thoughts, and perhaps a few of the facts.
Edit: Just to clarify, I have not done this... yet.
Use this rule of thumb:
Can the item be traded from one character to another through the use of the in-game trade feature? If yes, then you may trade the item for gold, but not out-of-game currency. If no, then don't do it. At that point, it becomes the exchange of an out of game item (a code submitted on our website qualifies as this) for in-game gold. Which, as the others have pointed out numerous times, is not permitted per our Terms of Use. |