If you use an authenticator – and we hope you do – you may soon notice that an authenticator prompt may not appear with every login. We’ve recently updated our authentication system to intelligently track your login locations and, if you’re logging in consistently from the same place, you may not be asked for an authenticator code. This change is being made to make the authenticator process less intrusive when we’re sure the person logging in to your account is you.
We hope to continue improving the authenticator system to ensure the same or greater security, while improving and adding features to make having one a more user friendly experience. If you don’t already have a Battle.net Authenticator attached to your account, don’t wait until it’s too late. |
This isn't a money saving scheme since your not actually spending anything to generate the code, nor are you impacting bandwidth in anyway. While your concerns are noted, your account no less secure than it was before, the only change is that you will only be prompted once a week to enter unless you change IP address, from where you'll need to enter your authenticator code. There are a lot of valid concerns, which our developers are aware about, however we cannot give a direct response to all posts made. Never the less we are not ignoring any feedback posted, its read and noted. As for authenticator information, this is managed server side not on your actual system. |