I think it is very unfair that we are stuck with the class that we originally picked. I rolled a mage and quite honestly I hate it now. Hard and boring. So I was wonderIng if blizzard could put a Paid Class Change in the game. It would refresh the game for bored people like me. I also think it would be awesome to be able to level a Death Knight to level 85 in like 2 weeks then just go and change his class instead of leveling 1-85 on the class you want. I dont know it would make the game more balanced and fair i think. I also think they should give free faction/race changes along with it, and let us keep the class we originally have, but just give us a 2nd 85 of the class we want to switch to. Lets say a guild is recruiting a rogue but your'e a warlock. Have no fear the paid class change is here, you could change to a rogue and get into the guild. This would be a great thing for WoW and stop many people from quitting
Thanks Blizz I hope you put it in soon!