While It may seem like a convience to many players not to have to use the digipass on their home computer. To me this seems like an uncessary security risk. These are not low level hackers, in some Asian countries gold farming and account hacking is an industry. 2008 estimates that this may infact be a 300 million dollar per year industry. With these kind of resources available I have no doubt that the hackers will move quickly to take advantage of this. We already know that ip adresses are duplicated. We know that some isp's assign a range of ip's. Im not sure what you mean by "intelligently tracking where you login from" but this seems like a bad deal to me.
Plz consider an opt out for those who would rather input the codes every time.
There are multiple threads talking about the same topic. Please use Continuation Thread Rules ( http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2191101521 ) to continue the original discussion thread ( http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2674529777 ).