I would've liked to have posted on the original thread, but the thread limit has been reached. I'll type here what I would've typed there.
I don't care about premium services that have no direct impact on gameplay, such as remote auction and guild chat. What I do mind is when features that could have a direct impact on a player's enjoyment, such as this one, are charged extra.
I know it's only 3 bucks a month, but it's the principle. A vast majority of the playerbase have already given Blizzard a lot of money towards the game. I myself have been playing since shortly after release, and I believe I'm starting to reach the inevitable end.
I don't like being nickled and dimed. I get enough of that from companies where I have no choice but to pay.
Please refer to the following thread if you wish to continue the discussion:
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2549105641 |