Help contribute to the list of 'arguments' that aren't really arguments!
I'm a bit of a sado masochist, so I decided to actually read the forums (and not just the CM responses) .. Needless to say, I almost gave myself a concussion - and there's a big hand print on my face!
So below is a list of "arguments" that people tend to retort with when someone has gone way out of their way (which, in the context of the forums, means 2 paragraphs or more) to express their concerns or opinions on X, Y, or Z.
"You play [X] Class, so obviously you're for/against this."
"TL ; DR"
"Your arena rating blows."
"Tanking is hard."
"Healing is hard."
"Dps'ing is hard."
"This game isn't hard."
"You haven't even killed H [X] yet."
"You're not in a guild. That's cause you're bad."
(Shorthand version:) "You're bad."
"I am [Class role] - and my role is most important, so shut up."
"Shut up."
"You're dumb."
"Your grammar / spelling sucks."
Add your own!
Oh, and here's a pre-emptive "Eff yoo." to the people that are just going to rattle this list back to me....
Actually, I have no retort. I'm trying to be nice here!
Mr Vibrating: Look, if I argue with you, I must take up a contrary position.
Man: But it isn't just saying 'No it isn't'. Mr Vibrating: Yes it is. Man: No it isn't, Argument is an intellectual process ... contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of anything the other person says. Mr Vibrating: No it isn't. Man: Yes it is. Mr Vibrating: Not at all. Man: Now look! Mr Vibrating: (pressing the bell on his desk) That's it. Good morning. |