Hi Blizzard & and fellow wow players.
I've searched for a place to report bugs, but apparently only the US forum have one, so this will have to go for now. - sorry for the lousy English - If I failposted this - I hope this report goes to the right place if I have made a boo boo by posting it here.
The last few nights I've been experiencing some trouble with my Mana, and I couldn't figure out what happend, until I noticed a connection between me casting Power Word: Shield (ID:17) and having my "Mandala of Stirring Patterns" http://www.wowhead.com/item=62467 proc.
The Result is an Animation that the Trinket procs, and a loss of ~30% of my mana, (that's one expensive spell) I'm Disc Spec'ed (se spec in profile to the left) so at a mana pool around 110.000 losing that much mana on the pull is rather devastating.
It also does this doing combat, which is even worse.
This is not just a "once" -experience, and I can replicate it all the time so I made a "Proof of bug" on a YouTube Vid which hopefully shows the problem.
(Sorry for the chunkiness of the video, I think I time stretched it a bit on a move, and I forgot to restore it)
You'll see on the "proc" screen that mana drops to around 65% (From around 92% mana)
Normally when I cast Shield it drops only around ~5% of mana, which makes me drop from 95% to 91% mana
I hope this is enough documentation to get it shown, if a GM want's to have a demonstration I can show him ingame, I should be able to replicate it right away. (It could be something else than the trinket that procs it could be something else which I'm unaware of, but I just see the Trinket Animation when this happens)
Best Regard
Thanks for your post! We do accept bug reports and deliver them to those who need to see them. However, we ask that you either report them via in-game tickets or through the stickied Bug Report thread in the Customer Support forum -- a link to the current thread is below. Thanks!
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/1999563200 |