...is quite ridiculous. Most of the people who are complaining have not even completed the current tier of raiding. Why, then, are people complaining about 7 bosses when they still have so much more to do with this tier? If you can't down normal modes in BWD, what makes you think you will be able to defeat all 7 bosses in Firelands? Incquiring minds want to know!!
Quite frankly, I'm fine with the 7 boss raid instances. Progressing on 13 hardmode bosses is brutal. We've almost got heroic Nef down tonight (2% wipe tonight -_-), and I would like to see the other four heroic bosses before Firelands. This tier has been tough (but fun), and I welcome a "shorter" raid tier. We don't even know if this will be shorter because we don't know how easy the bosses are.
So, again, to the people who have not cleared this raid tier on normal and heroic, why are you so worried about only 7 bosses being in the next hardest raiding tier?
This ain't Trial of the Crusader. The place is epic and there's a ton of progression and fun to be had in 4.2. The actual boss mechanics are pretty incredible, and there are a few surprises players can stumble across in the raid as well! 7 is just a number... I'd bet 4 to 7 of my toes this will not even be a topic of discussion come release of the patch. It's one of those random things people latch onto when they only have so much information, only to be distracted by something else random to take issue with the next day/week/month. |
I actually enjoyed raiding ToC, but we'll certainly admit it wasn't the most epic tier of raiding we've released. ;) We tried out a very different format for that raid. I think it suited its purpose well, but it's not a shocker that it's not a player favorite, or the most memorable raid. There's something to be said about working through an expansive dungeon with crazy trash pulls and amazing environments. Oh man... I can't wait for you to get into Firelands! I've been given a tour of the place from our encounter design team on more than one occasion. It's friggin' epic. Serious. |