I got the latest armory update, and I've also got a remote subscription, but when i try to access the guild chat through the armory, i just the "this is what you get if you upgrade to full remote access" bla bla...Well..I already have it. The auction house still works remotely, is this a bug for europeans or something? I've trying reinstalling, re logging several times, still a no go.
The remote Guild Chat announcement you're referring to is an announcement on the US WoW Community site and not the European one, hence why it might be causing some confusion. We will be posting a similar announcement here in Europe on our WoW Community site later today http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/
Basically though, as the US announcement says, the new remote Guild Chat feature is only functional for two US realms at the moment. All being well, we expect it to be available in Europe shortly. |
I can see the confusion. It's announcing a new feature, although it's in a limited preview period phase at first -- so that's potentially a little confusing it itself. Also, since the announcement you've read is the US specific one, it doesn't make as much sense for EU. The EU announcement, coming later today, is essentially the same announcement with a few changes to clarify a little more. It shows that the feature is being added, not that it's there right now. Also it shows that worldwide deployment has begun and that it will be in Europe shortly. |
Sure but again it seems the main confusion lies in reading an announcement on the US website not the EU one, intended for the US audience and not us here in Europe. The EU announcement is up now, but it says pretty much what I said earlier that it would: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/blog/2192478#blog |
All being well, around a week -- give or take a day or so. The only reason we're not specifying exact dates is because the global deployment is being done stage by stage and proceeding only if things go smoothly. |