I am challenging Blizzard to step up and help the people affected by the disasters in Japan, just as many of the smaller companies are doing. I know many people who play/have played wow that live there. It seems wrong that when much smaller companies are making contributions, Blizzard has not taken a leadership role in this.
Despite what was said at the last Blizzcon I fear that Blizzard may be falling into the void that is 'big business'. There was talk of feeling that we all want to be heroes and that is why we play these games. Heroes step up to help when tragedy strikes, in one way or another.
Like a king who cares more for his coffers than his people often can cause his country to come to ruin, Blizzard is the "king" of game companies and should lead the way. I would say not helping warns of a possible decline in Blizzard's stature in the gaming world.