I received and email today informing me that my subscription had expired. I could have sworn that it was supposed to have been 4 issues. One every 3 months so whats the deal with that?
That to the side I am sorely disappointed with the magazine itself. We didn't get to see any never before seen glimpses at the expansion or the future of the game. No exclusive or special content included with the magazine itself. Just someones opinion about why they collect pets or what to expect in a raid or dungeon. I can easily get that information from the net well before the magazine ever arrives. I can't honestly say what my expectations were when I thought subscribing was the thing to do but I can say they weren't met. Sorry Blizz,as it stands I won't be renewing to the mag.
From what I understand the fourth issue will be on it's way shortly and if you were subscribed for the first year, you will be receiving this issue in your mailbox soon. You can check out the fourth issue's cover art as well here- http://cde.cerosmedia.com/1A4d80e47506a60012.cde/page/1 It has a goblin vs. worgen theme. That said though, if you haven't resubscribed as of yet, you can do so on the site. We understand if you are disappointed in the wait times to receive your issues, but have been working with Future to make sure that the issues you are receiving are top quality. Information on the fourth issue, including a sneak peek, can be found on the official WoW Magazine site here- http://www.worldofwarcraftthemagazine.com/?gclid=CM6G_IL756cCFQE2gwodHDeCcg As for exclusive content, the artwork is exclusive on the cover and within the pages as are the interviews that you see with Blizzard Staff along with other insights shared within it from other community members etc. Those are not revealed anywhere else save for if the magazine has already been released to paid subscribers, guaranteeing that no one else sees it before you do. That said, the magazine is meant to be a bit of a keepsake of high quality (perfect for your coffee table) and we'll continue to keep an eye out for constructive feedback to pass along to Future, or you can reach out to them directly should you wish. I'm sure they'd love to hear from subscribers. https://w1.buysub.com/pubs/WC/WWC/combo_entry-en.jsp?cds_page_id=70543&cds_mag_code=WWC&id=1300996457617&lsid=10831454176046707&vid=1 |
I believe that within a period of time after issuing an edition, Future will replace them if they are damaged. Your feedback on that is noted however. We'll pass word along. |