Hi for the past 6-12 months, our guild has been hasselled by a certain idiot from a certain guild. It started when we refused to join with them on raids and pvp and has just escalated since then. For example, he uses the yell feature to yell abuse and lies about our guild. Does the same thing in general and trade tabs, and even sends his guild members into our guild to spread lies and steal our best players, and at least 30 of our guild members have reported to me they are getting hasselled with whispers daily to leave our guild and join with them "or else" he has since openly told us he is doing his best top destroy our guild from inside and out. And i was just wondering if it is specifically our guild he is targeting or are there others he is doing this to also. This guy is childish and pathetic and should be stopped, I look forward to your answers/responses. have a good day ;)
Here's my Final Thought.
Sometimes threads need locking because they go downhill fast. This is one of those posts. Please report all cases of harassment via the in-game ticketing system. The incident will be investigated and appropriate action will be taken. [Guide] GM’s, Tickets and You! http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/900641324 |