A popular topic raising the prospect of adding a buff to player health, healing, and damage (similar to the ICC buff) to Cataclysm raids just hit its post limit. I wanted to issue a response but didn't make it in time, so feel free to check out the original discussion here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2267597979
We definitely wouldn't rule out a similar raid buff in WoW's future if we feel it's necessary. The context of the ICC buff is very different though. For one thing, we wanted to make sure a lot more players were exposed to Icecrown Citadel than they were to Sunwell and Naxx 1.0. Those final tiers were quite difficult, and there wasn't a lot of time between their release and the launch of the expansions which followed them. Not only was the final Wrath tier available for much longer, the buff made it much more accessible toward the end of its lifespan. Another thing to consider is that ICC was released with the Chill of the Throne debuff to correct for capped stats leaving chance to dodge trivial. Over time though, we wanted to make sure more players saw the final tier of Lich King raiding by increasing their health and damage, as a new expansion brings a new endgame and all-new progression. This first tier of Cataclysm raiding is certainly difficult and not very pug-friendly at this point. But it's also just that -- the first tier of Cataclysm raiding. We expect a fair amount of players will still run this content for loot and achievements once Firelands is released. There's still a lot of endgame gear progression left in Cataclysm, so arbitrarily inflating player stats for the first tier doesn't seem so likely. This content will still be there, still be a viable means of progression, and become easier as Cataclysm's lifespan continues. It's not immediately being followed by a level increase and new expansion, as was the case with ICC. |