* Colossus Smash now ignores 50% of a hostile player's armor (PvP), but continues to ignore 100% of a non-player character's armor (PvE).
Nice try blizzard.However this is a change that wont help cloth and leather classes to last longer against warriors.
Actually I think with the damage buffs that warriors are going to get in 4.1 to arms spec ms and overpower they are still gonna obliderate low armored classes as they do now.
Indeed, the other damage buffs that were made due to Colossus Smash armour reduction being lowered have been removed. That said, there's already a thread about Colossus Smash here: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/1849938118 Locking this as there's no need for multiple threads on the same subject. |