This seems more feedback regarding the Tauren racial and Druid flight form than a complaint regarding bots or exploitation, but that may have been the original post being taken out of context due to its title.
Allow me to address both points. If this is, indeed, in regards to the Tauren Druid combination of Herbalist, then that feedback would best be posted constructively in our General forum. That way, our Community Managers can gather that feedback to provide to our developers for further consideration. In regards to bots, it is a situation that is constantly being monitored. We appreciate reports from individuals if you believe you have witnessed a bot, because it'll help us adjust our systems to identify and remove these kinds of exploits much more quickly. Sometimes these bots require observation, so immediate action may not be taken. Observation often leads to an improvement on our end and a better way to break these bots at the start so you never have to deal with them. It's a bit of an endless battle of us breaking them one way and those who bot making new ways to do it, but it's a battle worth fighting, and we appreciate those who support us in these efforts with their reports. >^.^< |