Blizz said they want to make your heirlooms be sent cross realm i.e. available to any new character you start on any realm and just not the one realm., but there are difficulties in implementing a system that can send mail across to another realm. There are several ways you can actually get round this without needing to that. Solve this, then you cut some of the requests for extended character slots.
1. Once you purchase an heirloom, armoury updates your account. Every time you create a new character, just like novelty pets, you will get your heirlooms in the post. They can go one step further to allow only the heirlooms you have purchased that that character can use to spawn on you. This way you never need to send heirlooms across different characters, every character you create will have one.
2. you buy heirloom points rather than heirlooms using your Points of Justice/Conquest. This purchase number is stored to your account, every new toon you create on whatever realm, whatever class/spec has the number of heirloom points. A vendor for heirloms exists at every startin area, simply see that vendor and trade in your points for your heirloom.
3. Buy heirlooms sends an auto GM heirloom ticket, the GM robot simply places every heirloom you've bought in the mailbox of every new character you create.
This are some ways i thought of that may circumvent having to create an in-game system to send items across servers. Or maybe secretly they already can, and are just holidng out till they figure out the best and most profitable time to activate this feature. (i doubt it though, but i had to also give the conspiracy theory an airing.
We've already replied recently about heirlooms across realms. Please try and search before posting.