Honestly why?
I have a bunch of freinds (Who are terrible at wow) And i educate them and give them free advise on how to better themselfs, Gemming itemisation, Rotations , Pvp Comps, Yet i never receive thanks, And it not just with people i know. Its with everyone, Offering free mats or food before duels. Giving buffs, Free portals or even giving conquest cap ( i did this today for 3 people in 2v2 and the only person to say thanks was a preist).
Look i like to help, Most of my time is actually spent helping people learn their classes over skype talks ect ect. But just saying that little thanks makes it all worthwhile. So what im wondering, Is the warcraft community just sapping off me being too lazy to do anything themselves, Or ungrateful. since most of the reponces i get back are negative, A brilliant example of this would be a rogue i helped gear/itemise ect ect, He dueled me on his hunter. and i lost by about 13k-ish with recup up. I told him he was good, He just said im *bad and need to l2p* logged onto his rogue and dueled me, He had full vicious (Since he had been playing his rogue since the start of the expansion hitting 85 within a few days of release with my help.) and i let him have sap, He won by about 4k health , He then went on to tell me that im horrible and never should of taken my advice and that im a bad player, i just instantly logged out. Never giving you assistance again, Il just leave you to gem 20 agility and 20 stam in every socket.
Do you help people, And if so how? Would love to know. Cheers ysumi.
When you are a person that gives so much, and when you do so even when you don't hear thanks or other words of appreciation, it can really hurt a lot when someone turns on you. Hopefully in time that feeling will pass and, if you wish it so, you will be able to return to how things were before. It's such a small word; it's not hard to write but apparently it's often forgotten.
Thanks. |