[hover briefing: players need a place to be heard, Blizzard could use their input but forums are swamped with bs].
Hello. I've been lurking these forums [and US ones] from time time time. I've seen plenty of valuable posts (can't say I've read them all but I'm not a person for such debates much). And one thing strikes me, sadly.
People with great knowledge of WoW and its mechanics spend hours (there were posts that took 6 maximum length posts here) writing and describing issues and solutions to these issues that one can encounter in WoW. These topics, posts and inputs are often lost in the forums because they're [forums] full of pointless trolling, whining, non-constructive QQing and the like.
As we might have all seen through the past months, since Cataclysm came out, class balance wasn't really the best done part of WoW. It's proven by the hotfixes, patches coming right after PTR was over etc. Please do mind - I'm not trying to bash anyone. But I think all of those problems could've been easily avoided.
My question is, wouldn't it be possible to create some subforum where only SERIOUS input would be accepted? Where players with knowledge and skills [mathematical too] would be able to write their posts ADRESSED TO BLIZZARD in which they'd propose changes, post parses, point out mistakes and the like?
The problem with general forums, aside of trolls and other redundant/funny/light posts (I don't really mind any of that, it's comminity and it's fine - again, not bashing anyone), are, by the words of Blizzard, made FOR PLAYERS to talk to OTHER PLAYERS. Whereas there are issues and posts that are not important for the community talk, but important to Blizzard.
Say what you wish, but, dear Blizzard, your playerbase consists of many gifted people who LOVE this game and would wish to improve it and be happy if they were heard. You got a chance for a free valuable feedback, but so many of it gets lost in the depths here, buried under pointless QQ or made offensive.
I don't think it would be this difficult to give players a place for serious discussion. Limit it to lvl 85 characters [no trolling on low level alts], put in hard moderation. Keep it civil. In such place, if someone were to talk there, there wouldn't be any questions as to why a pointless post was removed. Give the post requirement of some amount to signs, so no "nerf frost mages" even appeared.
Give your community a chance. And make them feel heard. Because right now, not only there are problems with balance, but people are feeling ignored and are getting bitter. Which leads to people getting frustrated and either leaving the game or going around whining spoilng experience to some others and annoying GMs and forum moderators ;)
No, I don't really expect to be heard, because players aren't often acknowledged here. But that's one of the reasons this post was written.
Also, before anyone accuses me of wanting to post there and throw my "epic" opinions: I'm *not* the player who would be posting there. But I am a player who cares for making this game better and I'd love for the players with something valuable to say to be heard.
Peace and thanks both Blizzard for WoW and players, who write such balance, wise posts, for caring <3
There's potentially many problems with setting up a new special forum where only "serious" input was allowed or only for posts addressed to us. For a start, though you did bring this up yourself, it goes against the whole idea of forums being here for players to discuss with each other. By its existence it runs the risk of suggesting that serious input isn't wanted in every forum, when it actually is. Yes there's also a lot of non-serious posts around the place, and when posts devolve to the point of breaking forum rules we prune them. (And please report them if we haven't caught them -- we investigate every report!) However, we want the forums to remain friendly and welcoming enough that people can post even if they don't post in a completely eloquent way (which can be very hard to do when you're upset about a nerf or by something bad that happened to you in-game, for instance), and that isn't the case in some forums with much stricter moderation. Though I need to make it clear, people still need to follow the forum rules!
The idea also somewhat suggests that only that forum would be the one we read, risking the usefulness of every other forum that we currently already do read. People are heard, just by posting here. And the better the posts are constructed, the more able we are to fully comprehend and take the topic into account. There's a common misconception that without a blue tag in a thread, what you say is lost in the ether and you might as well have just not posted at all. It's simply not true. Both here, in the US and in our other regions too, 99.9%+ of threads have no blue reply in them. Yet they are still read and those thoughts and feedback are not at all lost on deaf ears. We do appreciate your thoughts but we have no current plans for a forum like this. We're pretty keen to continue with how it is now: players use the forums to discuss with each other, and at the same time we read the threads and gather feedback from them. Please don't buy into, or further promote, the often-touted idea that we don't read the threads; instead we urge you to take our word that we do read them, and continue posting constructively. Your fellow players -- and us -- appreciate it greatly. As an aside, sometimes while reading threads the impulse just grabs me and I've been a little naughty replying here when we'd prefer feedback like this was in the stickied thread (http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/816712045). If you do have any further feedback, or if you want to respond to this post, please feel free to do so in that thread. |