This post is regarding the Bone Fishing Pole.
About a week ago i got a bone fishing pole in the stormwind daily fishing quest rewards.
It's stats were 169.9 melee DPS, +40 shadow resistance and +30 fishing skill.
It needed a fishing level of 300 so i spent an evening and the better part of the next
day uping my fishing skill to 300. The pole is a very rare drop and a magnificent one.
I used my pole for about 2 or 3 days ( for fishing AND tanking, level 18 and being
a Discipline priest i could out tank any tank at my level, using power shield and heals to
assist me. Then one day i loged in and the stats on my pole had changed!..they now were
13.9 DPS and +5 shadow resistance!..I put in a ticket for a GM and received mail saying that
they didn't know what caused it to happen but they would look into it. Oh come on!...there's
only one thing that could change the stats on my pole...and that is---it has to be done by a
Blizzard programmer ( i checked the patch notes and the only reference to the Bone Pole
is that it would be included in the stormwind fishing dailys ). So..c'on blizz give me back my
pole stats. It's not all that difficult to do, just a few lines of programming code is needed.
It's been two days now since i recieved my letter from blizzard ( in-game ) and the pole
still has the low stats. Can You imagine winning a 10,000,000$ lottery and spending and
celebrating only to have it taken all from you in a few days!...well, that's how i feel. I want
my pole back!
The item level was too high compared to the character level at which it could be used. This was updated in a hotfix on February 14:
It's not supposed to have a level 80 requirement, but it also wasn't supposed to be item level 200. |