Hey there,
I've written a nice suggestion (at least in my opinion) about a new PvE system with some challenges on the suggestion forum. Now I know people don't look there often (I never did either) so I'm just posting to see if people would like the idea.
So if you are interested in new fun for the PvE environment and want to share your thoughts to make it a better plan, please have a look at http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/1710172343
Thanks and enjoy the read :)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Lyrac. However, the forum you posted your thread in isn't a suggestion forum, it's for player-organised events and WoW-themed fan creations, such as machinima, fan-made models and costumes etc. Therefore, I'm going to move it to the Raids and Dungeons forum, as it's better suited there.
Also, as noted in the forum Code of Conduct, please avoid cross-linking threads. If your post is popular, it will be read and commented on without the need to advertise it elsewhere :-) |