Why is it that we have to repeat so many achievements?
It's insulting that we have to repeat so many low level quests for achievements, what is up with this one though? We've just spent the last two months doing these quests! For many people, doing all of them. What's the justification for this conversation: Blizz, "do all this for some points" and we reply, "ok, done it" Blizz, "do it all over again if you want the points" It's either naive or a lie to believe those that are exalted (and have been for a couple weeks +) haven't done most if not all the quests. If the quests weren't tracked - why not? All our other quest completions were tracked, how many dailies we do, our cooking and fishing dailies were tracked, why wouldn't the TB dailies be tracked? If Blizz doesn't care that we've done them all - which is, I'm fairly certain the situation - what kind of message are they sending? I think this is a crappy way to treat paying customers. Unless there is some justifiable reason to give anyone interested in achievements a giant /one-fingered-salute, then I'm going to say Blizz you're handing us reasons to stop playing your game. Is this the final reason? No, it isn't; however, there are a finite number of mistakes any company can make before the customers say enough, and they've just used one up, and for what? |
We made some adjustments to Tol Barad in the patch that should help it flip more often. We are continuing to monitor it and we'll see how it goes. I know it has already been changing a lot more on my realm. |
Retroactive achievements are actually tricky as we need some sort of guarantee that isn't always easy to track. There were a lot of complaints about people not getting their achievement retroactively when WotLK came out as there were only so many ways for us to determine it. For something like this, it isn't really worth spending the time to try and figure out a way to track it when it doesn't take a lot of commitment to do again. Since you said you weren't planning to do the quests now that you are exalted, all you have to do is keep an eye out for the ones you haven't done so it will take less and less time as you get closer to the end.
I pretty much answered this above, but pretty much if it was something that was easy or important enough to do, we would focus on it. This achievement is pretty minor and not the kind that people will really gloat over having first, so you can take your time with it and just check in every so often to see if the quests you need are available.
We don't really like having to put players in this type of situation, but having the achievement makes more sense in the long run and we think it's more fun to have it than to not. Some people are making this out to be insulting and along the lines of something game-breaking and I disagree. Not referring to anybody in particular, but a number of players have built up a strong "I deserve it" mentality that we have been battling. Not everything flows perfectly but people should try to look at the bigger picture before claiming we are out to get them. Also, thank you for providing your feedback in a constructive way. :) |