One thing that has been a tradition in Blizzard games is epically delivered lines to go along with the story, be it "You are not prepared!," "Frostmourne hungers" or "BY FIRE BE PURGED!" Admittedly some have said that Cataclysm hasn't quite lived up to the previous standard, but I still want to know: what has been the best voice acting in Cataclysm so far? And good voice acting usually requires epic written lines, so you could say I'm also asking what the most epic lines in Cataclysm are.
I'll try to keep the results of the discussion updated here in this post.
So far (videos added where available):
Budd (12): "Ahoooy!! I'm saaaaaaailing!!!!"
Maloriak (11): "How well does the mortal shell handle extreme temperature change? Must find out! For Science!"
Cho'gall (6)
Nefarian (4): "The heroes have made it to the glorious finale! I take it you are in good spirits? Prepared for the final battle?" "Look at him... LOOK AT HIM!"
Stormcaller Mylra (3) and Mor'norokk (4): "Put me down, you tiny, angry woman!"
Deathwing (3): "The sun has set on this mortal world, fools. Make peace with your end, for the hour of twilight falls!"
Drahga Shadowburner (1): "BY FIRE BE... BURNED!" "Dragon! You will do as I command! Catch me!"
Priestess Lorthuna (3): "Sorry, hun. I'm not that easy!" (best quality available)
Aronus (2): "Our forward outpost has been obliterated!"
Corla, Herald of Twilight (2): "For the master I'd die a thousand times! A thousan..."
Forgemaster Throngus (2)
High Priestess Azil (2): "Witness the power bestowed upon me by Deathwing! Feel the fury of earth!"
Lady Naz'jar (2): "Destroy them, minions! Rise from the icy depths!"
Legionnaire Nazgrim (2): "Thrall's balls! They're everywhere!"
Mindbender Ghur'sha (2): "Is. This. Reality."
Neptulon (2): "Behold, the power of pure water!"
Setesh (2): "You fear that which you cannot control. But can you control your fear?"
Sylvanas Windrunner (2) (towards the end)
Rom'ogg Bonecrusher (2): "Rom'ogg... sorry..." "That's what you get! Nothing!"
Theralion (2): "I will engulf as I please!"
Admiral Ripsnarl (1): "I will rip your heart from your chest!"
Ammunae (1): "Your life, UNLEASHED!"
Asaad (1): "Al'akir, your servant calls for aid!"
Ascendant Council (1)
Ascendant Lord Obsidius (1): "Earth can be shaped, molded... You cannot! You are useless!"
Atramedes (1): "I have no need for eyes to see my enemies. Your clumsy footsteps and foul stench give you away!"
Captain Taylor (1)
Erudax (1): "F'lakh ghet! The shadow's hunger cannot be sated!"
General Husam (1): "Invaders! You shall go no further!"
High Chieftain Cliffwalker (1): "You are about to cross a terrible threshold, Krom'gar. May the Earth Mother have mercy on your soul."
Lo'gosh/Goldrinn (1)
Random Goblins (1)
Raz the Crazed (1): "RAZ SMASH"
Siamat (1): "The sky... beckons..."
Trade Prince Gallywix (1): "All hail the greatest Trade Prince on Azeroth! Me!"
Honourable Mention:
The original Theralion (11):
*Technically isn't a part of Cataclysm, since it didn't make it to live, but...
The original Deathwing (1)