Alright, I've taken a chunk of my time to write this out and hopefully, fingers crossed, it's going to be a very productive and educational post.
How many times have you, as players, come to these forums to seek help or discuss certain changes in the game? Many of you, I will guess. Day after day I arrive on here to see what is being brought to the tables about the game, any changes that are due and the general discussion of anything WoW related. Most of the time, I'm generally satisfied with my searchings and proceed to log into the game and go about my business, but sometimes that's delayed.
Someone, somewhere is bound to post something which outlines their opinion on "X subject". This opinion is either complaints or compliments. It's sometimes seeking discussion or help. What I've noticed though, and I'm sure you guys/girls also have, is the replies some people might get, if one disagrees with their post. For example:
Original Poster- " I think the game has taken a turn for the worst, I feel incompetent and can't keep up with everyone. I think this matter should be addressed because a lot of us are being left behind. Might I suggest that the game be less divided, by which I mean, generally as a whole lower this new difficulty bar, or only applying that bar as optional for those players seeking the challenge"
Nothing wrong with that post. This user has explained what he/she thinks is wrong, gave an example and made a suggestion.
X Reply- Oh look this thread again. When will people begin to realise that this game is made to suit everyone, and should we want a challenge, everyone should comply. It's not hard, it's not tedious and I certainly wouldn't be happy with that suggestion. <Insert random insult>
With that reply, we can quickly see who has the upper hand in the discussion here, can we not? This person has chosen to completely disregard the poster's opinions and thought of nothing him/herself. Not only is this person speaking for him/herself, but they are generally speaking for a number of players by the way he/she has wrote it out.
Thanks for taking the time to put this together, Iavana :-)
Manners and common sense go a long way when posting on forums, but we're aware people feel passionately about the game - as do we - so things can all too easily get heated when discussing hot topics. I'll reiterate: If you see a post on the forum that breaks the Code of Conduct or forum guidelines, please do not rise to the bait; resist the urge to get in the last word, report it, ignore the person if necessary, then move on. |