so iv encountered a few glitchers and botters lately in my days spent farming herbs
in vashjir for instance iv seen a lvl 63 dk named "<removed>" running around (yes thats right unmounted) at the speed of light grabbing herbs from right under random mobs without getting any agro
i think i can recall seeing only one during all my times farming in lich king.
But in the past month alone iv found two (that i can gaurentee beyond a doubt are botters/glitchers)
does blizzard have any proactive way to ban these characters before they milk zones dry for days on end (before my ticket about them finally gets looked into)
its not hard to search abyssal depths and other popular farming zones and raising a few eyebrows when you see a lvl 63 farming away in that zone for hours on end.
can i ask how blizzard responds to reports such as the ones i submit, aswell as the actions taken by blizzard to investigate my claims
Honestly, Chayser, the best thing you can do in these situations is to continue reporting you observations. When submitting a ticket be sure to include the following information:
The time frame is key. We obviously cannot be everywhere at once. But reports that include the information above does prove helpful. We may be able to determine a pattern occurring and from there can take the appropriate steps to stop it. It is not an immediate process, however.Things like this take time to investigate. We definitely appreciate players who take the time to report bots to us and I assure you, each report is investigated. As a final word, calling out players in the forums like this is against the Forum Code of Conduct. I realize you are upset and are trying to get a point across, but please do not do so in this manner. Forum Code of Conduct |