Ok, recently I realm transferred my druid to another realm, and joined a different guild.
They seemed really great, 12/12 content, had BoT, ToFW and BWD all on farm mode. I got onto the realm, whispered the leader and asked for an invite. I was invited, and then literally as soon as I logged off (I said out for the day bye, and when the counter was at 3 seconds I was gkicked.)
I immediatley cancelled and then asked what the problem was. I was put on ignore and then spammed with "LOL"
>_>...I'm kind of confused....I didn't do anything wrong, I said Hi. Ty for the invite and just answered a few questions with yes, or haha yeh.
Now this irritated me, made me insanely upset and also made me want to quit WoW. Yes I know I could just change back, but I think it's stupid that stuff like this can happen in WoW and people are also this insensitive. I was really looking forward to joining this guild and raiding.
Sorreh...I'm just QQ'in lul
tl;dr - Paid money to join a guild, got insta kicked, laughed at and got called a nub and a baddie...
I'm going to leave this at this situation is not what it's presented to be.
Cataracts, the next time you decide to invest in something like a character transfer to join a specific guild, you may want to be a bit more aware of how you present yourself in a new guild and what kind of first impressions you are making. I believe that in this situation, doing so may have avoided some grief. |