This is actually incorrect. Selling the TCG Card or the code on the CARD specifically for gold is a no-no. Selling the item generated by the code for gold, however, is a perfectly legal transaction. It's a BoE item like any other at that point. Selling the in-game, already generated item for cash, likewise, would be a violation of our policies. However, selling the card or the code on the card for real world money is acceptable. Hope that's a bit more clear. >^.^< I know it can certainly get confusing, but so long as you follow the below rule of thumb, it should be pretty simple to identify any gold/item situation. In-game item for in-game gold = okay Out of game item for out of game currency = okay In-game item for out of game currency = Not permitted Out of game item/service for in-game currency = Not permitted
Any of the items available on the Blizzard store are considered services rendered (much like Transfer or Faction Change services), and are not applicable to the above situation. |