Simply put, yes, heroics are difficult, and it took me some time to get my 346s... but I got them in the end, and felt accomplished... yay!
But on an actual note. Blizzard engineered WoW from Vanilla to BC to WotLK as an easier game. You don't need to be the hardcore mmo player to complete it at the end (30% ICC buff anyone?). It has now attracted the 'casual' gamer audience, which made it grew to the multi million player game we have today.
However, now that we've injected the bull with steroids, and it is now singing "Happy Birthday to the ground!" while slamming us, face first, into the mud, yes, you are going to get a load of complaints. WoW was this easy game compared to MMOs, and now its not what the current audience is expecting. So yes, now you have 10% going "Yes, finally!' and your other 90% angry cause they want WotLK back.