For every hour that passes without buffs to Balance druids, we are going to kill a gnome. My bretheren and I have vowed to make certain that Moonkins will be viable in pvp this expansion, and if our demands are not met, we will execute every damned runty, stunted bastard on Azeroth.
That includes your engineers, your dungeon bosses, your racial leader, and your guild off-tank who thought a pink-haired warrior was cute.
If we kill all the gnomes and our demands are still not met, then here is what we will do afterwards.
Everyone a gnome has ever talked to, done business with, or looked at on the Tram is going to lose a finger. Your friends, family, and neighborhood vendors - all of them, every last one of them - they get a finger cut off.
You have one hour to respond.
It's part of his charm really. :) |
I never took him past 20 though before pushing my gnome to 85, whom* I'm now playing exclusively! *Edit: Thanks Lylirra for never letting me live anything down. |