I'm becoming quite annoyed by the amount of thread deletion occurring these days. I agree that certain threads that violate the code of conduct need to be locked or, in extreme cases, deleted, but there is a certain unfairness when threads vanish because of code violations caused, not by the OP, but by a few respondents.
Yesterday I responded at length to a good post about some problems with guild levelling. The OP stated a problem clearly and intelligently, and there was nothing wrong (in terms of the code) with what was written. Most respondents had also written good stuff. I took a long time to craft my contribution, which again was not in any way a code violation. Sadly, however, some posters decided to start trolling the thread and it has subsequently been deleted. Surely, in instances like this, it is fairer just to delete the offending posts rather than the entire thread?
Yesterday's thread deletion is only one of countless times I have seen this happen, and this kind of action is discouraging proper dialogue. Why post a lengthy and detailed response to something if it may get deleted through no fault of your own? One of the pleasures of a forum is to read replies to what you have written and to respond to what has been said, and it is incredibly disappointing when your own efforts are destroyed by somebody else's lack of consideration.
Threads that become derailed are, for the most part, locked. In a few extreme cases, when the first post or a large portion of posts in a thread contain obscene language, harassment or other objectionable behaviour, we are forced to delete the entire thread.
I don't know which thread you are referring to here, Asurah, but there would have been a good reason for us to have deleted it. If you genuinely feel that the topic was constructive and you have helpful comments to share on the subject (and there isn't already a thread on the same subject), feel free to make another thread about it in the correct forum. |