well i was just scammed out of 8500g from a player on black rock. i was paying for a 60day game card, which i was told is leagal by a gm. i tested this person to see weather they where a scammer. asked them questions about how they had been playing and boss trivia. after i deiced they where not a scammer i traded them 8500g for a game card and made a deal that 1000g to be paid tommrow for a total of 9500g. the person then went into a bg after that the person went afk for about 10 min. after they came back from being afk they ignored me by not talking to me. after much prodding the person then came back and said i was scamming them when they are holding my 8500g. then the person told me to get on sykpe so there would be no record of the card number or the conversation for a gm to read if i was scammed. sounded really scammy to me and i told him this. then the person would not talk to me any more. i would like some help on this issue. as i know mods read this and will direct it to the appropriate area or help.
Locking a duplicate and primarily nonconstructive thread.
I have provided feedback on the situation here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/1869563036
This was in a different situation, not the one he is currently reporting. |