Got an email saying there was a charge for service to my account. When I got home, I was unable to log into my account service page. My password would not work. Was my character naked?
I had to wait 45 minutes on hold until tech support picked up. They check my account history and said someone in china used a stolen credit card to charge something to my account. Weird that they were able come back with this answer quick...
Yes, I don't have an authenticator. Still have no plans on getting one. Had them close my account...
Anyway the authenticator would not help in this case. It was not my wow account that got hacked. It was my old Star Wars Galaxies account. An account that I had not played in 3 plus years. Not sure how they got my username/ password. Don't think they got that information from my computer. I'm not even using the computer that I had SWG installed. That is now my backup computer and already had it's hard drive formated many times (I have like to format/ reinstall windows every 6-8 months). Maybe I used that username/ password/ email on another SWG fan site. They could have stolen that information from one of those sites. Who knows...
Anyway... do you really think I would close my Wow account?
Probably has to do with your title, Nighthand. We see many compromised accounts and those of us who post here are able to provide advice and guidance on what to do if your account does get compromised. In the future, I'd avoid posting misleading topics, or off-topic posts in other forums. If you are worried about the security of your account at all, I've also included some links on Account and Computer security below for your perusal. Account Security Awareness Account and Computer Security Authenticator Dial-in Authenticator |