Instead of nerfing heroics, they should have gave a virtual pimp slap to everyone complaining and told them to just deal with it. I mean, really. You really think all those that "quit" really quit? No. It's just a bluff.
The only reason people complain to the point of quitting is because they're addicted to this game, really. They want things to go their way, and when they don't, they threaten to quit until things go back. Blizz needs to realize that people that complain to the point of quitting, won't really quit because they're addicted to this game. They ain't going anywhere. This game is like crack to some people. Blizz should have stood their ground on this one. That's my two cents. Am I about to be flamed? Or get called a troll? -_- |
I'm aware of what hotfixes have gone through. I'm the one compiling them every day. :) We're happy right now with the overall difficulty of Heroics, but that doesn't mean we won't make tuning adjustments to certain encounters or abilities if we feel they're unintentionally over- or underpowered. That's what we've been doing in our hotfixes recently. Here's an example:
That was a hotfix yesterday. You could argue it's a nerf. Technically, it is. But did it make sense that the Crystal Shards were higher level than the boss? Not really. We felt that needed to change once we saw it being tackled by thousands of players. |
Let's keep this in context please. I said there have been no across-the-board nerfs to Heroics, and you come back at me with evidence of two abilities from two creatures being reduced in damage very slightly... in one dungeon. |
And I'm saying it's unfortunate to view difficulty in such a black-and-white way. We've also made changes that affect difficulty in the other direction that I wouldn't necessarily call buffs.
Players were able to bypass Vapors using line of sight. This was fixed.
Yes, this was a reduction in damage to Slam, but damage was reduced so that we could change the ability so it ignores all resistance modifiers, which makes it easier for us to keep the ability tuned how we want.
This didn't necessarily buff difficulty, but it was a change to prevent players from skipping certain trash pulls.
This one doesn't really reinforce my point, but I thought it was a slightly hilarious issue. :p We've also removed experience, reputation, and sometimes loot from several creatures in dungeons which were too easy to farm.
Thank you! Verifying and compiling hotfixes can be very time-consuming, so I decided to spice up some of the notes (where appropriate) to keep myself sane, and hopefully give players a chuckle. ;D |