We've recently seen a few questions regarding the functionality of Transmute: Living Elements and whether or not its effects are truly random. There's definitely some behind-the-scenes magic to this particular transmute, so we wanted to provide a bit more explanation on how it works.
Typically, when you use Transmute: Living Elements, you will receive 14-16 random Volatile elements (Volatile Air, Volatile Earth, Volatile Water, or Volatile Fire) in exchange for 15 Volatile Life. If you use this transmute while in one of the new Cataclysm zones associated with the Elemental Planes, however, the element into which your Volatile Life will transform will be predetermined. For example, if you use Transmute: Living Elements while in Uldum, you will always receive Volatile Air for your efforts. Here's a list of the affected zones and their corresponding Volatile elements:
Additionally, alchemists with Transmutation specialization will have a chance to receive bonus Volatile elements when completing this transmute. The bonus will be random, though, regardless of which zone you are in. |
I actually just changed that modifier right before your post. Good catch, though! (Now, if you'll excuse, I have some basic arithmetic to re-learn. :P) |
As a correction to this statement, alchemists with Transmutation specialization will currently only have a chance to receive bonus Volatile elements when completing Transmute: Living Elements. The bonus and its chance of success will not be determined by the zone in which the transmutation is completed.
Apologies for the confusion. After testing, this has been confirmed as intended.
We're aware that performing Transmute: Living Elements while in Deepholm does not currently yield any Volatile Earth and are working to apply a hotfix as we speak.
Please note that once this hotfix is applied, you will no longer receive both Volatile Air and Volatile Earth when using the transmute in Uldum. Instead, you will only receive Volatile Air (excluding bonus procs). This was an unintended side-effect and will be addressed shortly. Thanks! Re: