So, my lowbie druid bought his TB tabard as soon as the patch hit, and used it from 50 to now 67. In the dungeons prior to Burning Crusade dungeons, he received rep for most of the mobs in the dungeon. As soon as I started to do the BC dungeons, my rep with TB hasn't gone up.
Trade chat is filled with knowitall knownothings, and just say 'It works, stfu'. So, is this as intended? Do they only work in 1-60 dungeons? Or 1-60, 70-80? I haven't bothered testing it on other toons as it doesn't bother me too much. Just wonderin' if it's meant that way or not.. Thaanks. |
If you are wearing one of the new faction tabards (e.g. Thunder Bluff, Stormwind, Orgrimmar, Ironforge, etc.), you will only receive reputation gains for that city/faction when in Classic (1-60), Northrend (70-80), and Cataclysm (80-85) dungeons. Outland dungeons will not currently provide reputation gains for the "home city" faction you are championing; this is intended.
Also, just as a heads up, if dungeon mobs and bosses are trivial to you, you will receive less reputation than if they are within your level range. This is just to ensure that players who exceed the dungeon's intended level range can still benefit from championing a specific faction, but aren't given a distinct advantage over those who are of the appropriate level and are unable to solo the content. This should also help encourage players to improve their reputation in dungeons more appropriate for their level, rather than running lower level content solely for the reputation (which isn't a bad thing by any means; we just want you to enjoy the content designed for your level range, too). :) |
To my understanding, both normal and Heroic Wrath of the Lich King dungeons should award reputation to players who are wearing the new faction tabards. There may be additional requirements, however, that aren't overly explicit. I'll look into this a bit further and then get back to you. :) |
There are technical limitations to overcome with respect to the Outland dungeons. It's something we're interested in pursuing, though, and will be keeping in mind for a future patch. |
For a period of time after patch 4.0.3a launched, Wrath of the Lich King dungeons did not provide reputation gains if a new faction tabard was worn. This was hotfixed, however, shortly after Sapperwix's post on November 24: After speaking with our designers further (as promised earlier in this thread) and reexamining how our hotfix was applied together, Inushi was indeed correct and new faction tabards will only provide reputation gains for the championed city in Northrend if the dungeon is Heroic or otherwise level 80. This is how the current tabard system works for Wrath of the Lich King, but we may consider revising the system to include all dungeons, regardless of level, in a future patch. Apologies for the confusion! I've already amended my first post to ensure it reflects this information. |
| :) I can see how the current tooltip(s) for the new faction tabards may be confusing, though, and will be happy to pass those concerns along to our designers. |
Similar to Outland dungeons, there are technical limitations which we must first overcome for this to be possible. It's a bit complicated, but hopefully I can explain. In Wrath of the Lich King, we implemented a system that allowed players to champion factions by wearing a corresponding tabard; however, that system was limited and only supported level 80 dungeons (including Heroics). Fortunately, we were able to incorporate the new city tabards into this system through a hotfix, but the same rules and restrictions still apply. If we want to allow the new city tabards to provide reputations gains in all Northrend dungeons, we'll have to completely retrofit the entire Wrath of the Lich King tabard system -- which is something we may consider tackling in a future patch. Does that make sense? If not, let me know. :) |
Alright, you crazy diamonds. I'm seeing a lot of repeat questions in this thread that have already been answered. If you're interested in this topic -- which I know many of you are, and that's actually really cool -- then I'd sincerely encourage you to read through all of my posts from the beginning. Quite of bit of information has been shared that should address your concerns. Don't worry about having to scroll, though; you can easily hop from response to response by clicking on the little "BLIZZ" button in the right-hand corner of each blue post.
Thanks! |