Welcome to the General Discussion forum! This forum is here to provide you with a friendly environment where you can discuss all aspects of World of Warcraft with your fellow players.
Community forums work best when participants treat their fellow posters with respect and courtesy, so we ask that you take the time to read through the forum Code of Conduct and guidelines before posting. Code of Conduct: http://us.battle.net/en/community/conduct Posting Guidelines: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/900930866#2 Request Sticky Tips & Information: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2353268142 Thread Limits and Continuation Thread Rules: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2191101521 Getting the Most Out of the Forums: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2016792409 Important Reminders:
The search function at the top of the World of Warcraft community site is extremely effective and robust. Before you create a new forum topic, please be use it to search for similar topics, blog posts, or web pages that may contain the answer for which you are looking. Making a new thread on an existing subject can result in your thread being deleted or, if you continue to re-post the same content, the loss of your forum privileges for spamming. Rating The forum rating system can be used to promote positive discussion, demote unhelpful comments, and even report posts that violate the forum Code of Conduct. By hovering over a post you'll be presented with several options, including a "thumbs up" (Like) and a "thumbs down" (Dislike) icon. Clicking the "thumbs up" icon will rate the post up. If enough people like a post, it will gain a Highly Rated status and appear at the top of related search results. Highly Rated posts will also have a highlighted background. Clicking the "thumbs down" icon will expand a drop-down menu which will include "Dislike," "Trolling, "Spam" and "Report" options. "Dislike" will rate the post down. If enough people dislike a post, it will be darkened, and with a lot of dislikes it will be hidden completely. You can also quickly report a post as trolling or spam, or use the report function to fill out a more comprehensive description of a violation. Please note that you can only rate each post once. Use your power wisely to help foster a positive and helpful forum community. Contact List: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/900930866#3 Community Managers: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/900930866#4 MVP Program Info: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/900930866#6 |
In addition to the forum Code of Conduct (http://us.battle.net/en/community/conduct), here are some common courtesy guidelines to follow. While these do technically fall within the bounds of the Code of Conduct, they cover more specific examples of common errors that will lead to thread deletions or posting privileges being revoked.
There is also cool down period we institute during times of high forum traffic. If you are violating policy during one of these times due to frustration, you will be given a three-hour cool down suspension. This does not get logged on your record and is simply in place to keep the forums readable and civil. Serious violations will still have the appropriate action taken against them as documented in the Code of Conduct, and we do keep track of these cool down periods separately—if one is found to be repeatedly violating policy, appropriate action will be taken. |
Contact List
If you are looking for support or a place to give feedback on a particular aspect of the game, please use the following list to find the right location for assistance. Additional contact information for our support departments is also available at: https://battle.net/support/article/contact Forums In-Game Support Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Account and Technical Support Hours: 10 AM to 6 PM Pacific Time, 7 days a week Reporting Hacks, Cheats, Trojans, etc. Reporting In-Game Bugs Questions and Support on Custom UIs and Macros |
Community Managers
It can sometimes be difficult to find information from our representatives, so we've provided the links below, which lead to all current posts from the community team: Nethaera: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/search?f=post&a=Nethaera Bashiok: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/search?f=post&a=Bashiok Zarhym: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/search?f=post&a=Zarhym Daxxarri: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/search?f=post&a=Daxxarri Rygarius: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/search?f=post&a=Rygarius Crithto: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/search?f=post&a=Crithto Lore: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/search?f=post&a=Lore |
Q. Why was the MVP Program created? A. In many cases, the answers to questions posed on the forums have already been provided by Blizzard Entertainment employees, or are common knowledge for many in the community. However, answers by fellow players often go unnoticed while the original poster seeks a more official response. In order to address this, we have instituted a program that has shown great success on other Blizzard forums: the MVP (Most Valuable Poster) program. Unique profile portraits and a distinctive posting text color is given to identified MVPs who answer other players' questions consistently and accurately. It lends a note of credibility to what they post; it allows players seeking answers to take what they say at face value, and frees up Blizzard representatives so that they can focus on their primary responsibilities. Q. What does an MVP do? A. MVPs promote constructive posting wherever they can. They contribute to the community and encourage polite discussion throughout the forums. When you see an MVP post, listen to what they have to say—they were also chosen for their knowledge of the game. Q. Why didn't you select _____, someone who always gives great constructive feedback on X subject? A. Please understand that MVPs are not class or community representatives in that sense; they are not chosen for their ability to criticize game mechanics and give feedback. They certainly can do this (and many do). The members of the Community Team are still your vehicles through which you should submit feedback by posting on the forums and in blog comments. We do not have a class representative system in place at this time and would prefer to hear all players' feedback instead of a select few. Q. Why aren't the MVPs all at max level? A. You do not have to be a level 80 to answer the majority of questions on the forums clearly and accurately. You do not need a specific number of Achievement points to be able to direct players to the appropriate page on the website for their question, or to link to an answer already given by Blizzard. MVPs are chosen primarily for their demonstrated communication skills and helpfulness toward the community, and while some of them may also be top-ranked players in one or more aspects of the game, it's not a requirement. Q. How can I become an MVP? A. Keep posting constructively, answering questions about the game, and encouraging discussion throughout the forums—we'll take notice. Be sure to follow the Code of Conduct as well! Q. Who are the current MVPs? A. The current MVPs go by the following names, primarily, and generally post within specific forums: Community (all forums):
Frejya: Palehoof: Kozzae: Crepe: Snowfox: UI and Macro Advancement
Alestane: Lopeppeppy: Customer Service
Eilethalua: Shandiee: Mac Technical Support
MVPs: Most Valuable Forum Posters
It’s been quite a while since we’ve shared information regarding our forum MVP program. If you frequent Blizzard forums you’ve no doubt seen jade text stamped across threads here and there. Those with the power to wield green words are regular players -- just like you -- who’ve been recognized for their contributions to the forums in one way or another. And since we want to provide these player advocates with the resources they need to continue being awesome posters, MVPs have direct lines of contact with Blizzard community managers. Now the time has come to bolster the MVP ranks. Those chosen for the program aren’t official representatives of Blizzard, and they don’t have to agree with every decision we make. They also aren’t expected to give up their posting personas in order to join. Our goal is to find frequent posters who are a positive influence on the gaming community in some form, whether it be through posting strategy guides or tips on various aspects of gameplay, or even just bringing a positive and constructive tone to the forums when socializing with their peers. If you or someone you know fits the description of a Most Valuable Poster as laid out in the MVP FAQ, email us at [email protected] We select MVPs based on a large set of criteria, so don’t be discouraged from putting your name out there if you only post on, say, the Protoss Discussion or DPS Class Role forums. MVPs are welcome to post wherever they’re comfortable, including across the Diablo III, StarCraft II, and World of Warcraft forums. But remember! The key to being a strong candidate is having a solid posting history. We’re always on the lookout for the next shining beacon of good within the community to join the illustrious ranks of our MVPs. Want to know more about how a Blizzard MVP operates? World of Warcraft MVP Eldacar recently spoke with WoW Insider in this behind-the-scenes interview: http://wow.joystiq.com/2012/02/09/behind-the-scenes-with-a-blizzard-forums-mvp-green/ |
Q. Why was the MVP Program created? A. In many cases, the answers to questions posed on the forums have already been provided by Blizzard Entertainment employees, or are common knowledge for many in the community. However, answers by fellow players often go unnoticed while the original poster seeks a more official response. In order to address this, we have instituted a program that has shown great success on other Blizzard forums: the MVP (Most Valuable Poster) program. A distinctive posting text color (green) is given to identified MVPs who answer other players' questions consistently and accurately. It lends a note of credibility to what they post; it allows players seeking answers to take what they say at face value, and frees up Blizzard representatives so that they can focus on their primary responsibilities. Q. What does an MVP do? A. MVPs promote constructive posting wherever they can. They contribute to the community and encourage polite discussion throughout the forums. When you see an MVP post, listen to what they have to say—they were also chosen for their knowledge of the game. Q. Why didn't you select _____, someone who always gives great constructive feedback on X subject? A. Please understand that MVPs are not class/race or community representatives in that sense; they are not chosen for their ability to criticize game mechanics and give feedback. They certainly can do this (and many do). The members of the Community Team are still your vehicles through which you should submit feedback by posting on the forums and in blog comments. We do not have a class/race representative system in place at this time and would prefer to hear all players' feedback instead of a select few. Q. Why aren't MVPs the hardest of the hardcore players? A. You do not have to be max level in World of Warcraft, at the top of the StarCraft II ladder, or have the best collection of items in Diablo III to answer the majority of questions on the forums clearly and accurately. You do not need a specific number of Achievement points to be able to direct players to the appropriate page on the website for their question, or to link to an answer already given by Blizzard. MVPs are chosen primarily for their demonstrated communication skills and helpfulness toward the community, and while some of them may also be top-ranked players in one or more Blizzard games, it's not a requirement. Q. Why aren't MVPs distinguished by the forum they post in most frequently, or the Blizzard game they play most? A. We request that all MVPs post only where they feel comfortable. With that said, a Battle.net account flagged by Blizzard with MVP status will display as such across all forums, and on all of our new Battle.net community websites. An MVP should therefore be considered a valuable contributor to the community wherever he or she is posting. Q. How can I become an MVP? A. Keep posting constructively, answering questions about the game, and encouraging discussion throughout the forums—we'll take notice. Be sure to follow the Code of Conduct as well! Questions or concerns regarding the MVP program or its participants can be directed to [email protected] |