Witam , wczoraj jeszcze gralem w wow'a a dzis gdy przychodze z pracy proboje sie zalogowac na konto i napisane jest ze moje konto jest anulowane czy cos , wbijam na battle.net i mam napisane ze konto jest zbanowane , zapodam treść e-maila od Blizzarda i chce wiedziec za co i na ile jak bedziecie wiedzieli o co chodzi .
*Notice of Account Closure***
Account Name: DOLOCK
Reason for Closure: Terms of Use Violation -- Exploitative Activity: Abuse of the Economy
This account was closed because one or more characters were identified exchanging, or contributing to the exchange of, in-game property (items or gold) for "real-world" currency. This exchange process negatively impacts the World of Warcraft game environment by detracting from the value of the in-game economy.
Even if this is the result of account sharing, the account owner can still be held responsible for the penalty because of the impact it had on the game environment.
We've found the above behaviour is many times directly related to groups responsible for compromising World of Warcraft accounts; we take these issues very seriously. To better understand our position against exploitative activity and the risks involved, please review this article: LINK
The exploitative activity that took place on this account violates the World of Warcraft Terms of Use. We ask you take a moment to review these terms at LINK. Any recurring subscriptions on this account have been suspended to prevent further monetary charges.
If you believe your account was compromised, please go to the following website LINK. Our support staff will assist you as soon as possible. If you are unable to access your account due to the password being changed, please visit our Login Support site here: LINK
For any disputes of this action or further information on Exploitive Activity, please visit the Exploitative Activity FAQ and contact page here: LINK
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Nikt sie nie włamal na konto bo z Death Knighta itemt Heriloomy sa na Paladynie a itemy z druida mam w torbie .
Jak to jest błąd #204 mam cos robic , pisac do blizza czy poprostu czekac ?
Dzieki ze odpowiadacie na moje pytania , jestem caly zdenerwowany ze mi zbanowali konto .
heh jestem zielony w tych sprawach co im mam napisać i gdzie ticketa na emaila czy co ?
Dziekuje wam za pomoc wszytkim konto odbanowane , jednak tak mowiliscie wbil mi na konto hacker , napisalem ticketa do blizzarda i wyjasnilem sytuacje .
Idź do strony: 1