Sargeras decided he needed his own army to fight the Void Lords, and he remembered the demons. He had defeated them and imprisoned them on a world he created called Mardum, the Plane of Banishment. Since demons can't be killed outside of the Twisting Nether, Sargeras created Mardum to store their souls, so that once the demons regenerated phyiscal forms, they'd already be stuck on Mardum.
He traveled to Mardum and shattered the planet, causing a massive explosion of fel energy which hideously disfigured him. Now transformed into a demonic creature of fel magic, he used his new power to bend the demons to his will. The destruction also tore a hole in the Great Dark Beyond, forming a gateway to the twisting nether. Now countless demons could stream out at all times, whereas before demons were a relative rarity.
Sargeras part 2: Panetheon finds out.
After forming the Burning Legion, Sargeras went on to destroy a world for the first time. It didn't have a world soul, but it had been ordered and thus had a constellar like Algalon watching over it. When the constellar came to see what had happened, Sargeras killed him.
The Pantheon was confused that their constellar hadn't reported back, so they sent Agrammar to investigate. He saw the Legion destroying the planet, and Sargeras leading them. Outraged at his former masters' betrayal, Agrammar challenged Sargeras to single combat. They fought, but Sargeras was far more powerful, as titans are naturally weak to fel magic. Both of their blades split in two, and Agrammar fled to warn the Pantheon.
The Pantheon decided to hold a meeting with Sargeras over a world called Nihilam. They thought he could still be reasoned with. At the meeting Sargeras again insisted what he was doing was the only way to stop the Void Lords.
Agrammar sensed there was still a noble soul beneath Sargeras' madness, and walked up to him, unarmed, pleading for Sargeras to listen to reason. He said they had found a new world soul, of a titan named Azeroth, who would one day be strong enough to destroy the Void Lords. Sargeras used his sword to slice Agrammar in half vertically.The Pantheon was outraged over the murder of fellow titan, and fought a massive war with Sargeras.
His fel magic was too powerful and Sargeras killed them all with a massive storm of fel fire. Little did he know, Norgannon had cast a protective shround which perserved the remaining Pantheon members' spirits, so that as their mortal bodies were destroyed, their spirits would live on.
Nihilam came to be known as Doom World, the site of the Legion's destruction of the Pantheon. Even worse, Sargeras now knew the existence of Azeroth, of a world soul powerful enough to defeat the void lords. He didn't see it that way, he saw it as a world with the potential to birth the ultimate evil if corrupted by the Void Lords first. So he set out to destroy it.
Wszystko jest z Chronicle Volume 1 (kopia recenzencka) ( i mmo-champion), konkretnie:
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- I temat ten tu - LINK
Czyżby Blizz jednak nie wymyślił tego bullshitu na prędce?
Nawet wcześniej, już wiemy o co chodziło Murozondowi:
You crawl unwitting, like a blind, writhing worm, towards endless madness and despair. I have witnessed the true End Time. This? This is a blessing you simply cannot comprehend.
Zobaczył spaczony Azeroth powstający jako Void Lord, w tym wypadku można się zgodzić że lepiej byłoby zniszczyć całą planetę niż na to pozwolić
A conclave of nathrezim had also discovered this black world. They came to dwell among the Old Gods, basking in their dark power. Sensing their evil, Sargeras captured and ruthlessly interrogated the nathrezim. The broken demons revealed what they had learned about the Old Gods and the intentions of the void lords. If the powers of the Void succeeded in corrupting a nascent titan, it would awaken as an unspeakably dark creature. No power in creation, not even the Pantheon, could stand against it. In time, the warped titan would consume all matter and energy in the universe, bringing every mote of existence under the void lords' will.
In Sargeras's mind, even a lifeless universe was better than one dominated by the Void. Life had taken root in the cosmos once before. Perhaps after the physical universe was scoured of corruption, life would take root once again.
Co najlepsze, jako że wszyscy tytani są martwi jedynym który może ocalić uniwersum przed zniewoleniem przez Władców Pustki jest Sargeras i jego Płonący Legion ;__;
Jeśli Sargeras zabił innych tytanów to czemu:
1. W Darkshore jest quest, w którym się objawia wysłannik tytanów?
2. Nocne elfy modlą się do nieżyjącej Elune (Elune=Eonar)?
3. Aspekty dostały swoje moce od tytanów (Sargeras stał się zły mniej niż 147000 lat temu?
1. Bo zabił tytanów, a nie wysłanników 2. Bo Elune to nie Eonar, Elune to Naaru m8 3. Okazało się że aspekty nie dostały swoich mocy od tytanów, a od keeperów, stąd się wzięła ta cała sprzeczka z Odynem - był jedynym który nie chciał powierzyć funkcji strażników Azeroth smokom, które uważał za niegodne
A co do podstawy warcrafta to myślę że są nimi Tytani w końcu to oni wszystko stworzyli itp.
Myślę że to tak nie działa :p
dążymy w grze by poznać o nich więcej prawdy
Myślę Uwarzam że kronika wyczerpała już temat.
Chodzi mi o to że każdy świat fantasy ma jakąś swoją mitologię ale niekoniecznie stanowi ona "podstawę świata", równie dobrze możemy to popchnąć dalej i powiedzieć że podstawą świata jest Światłość i Pustka - ponownie - kronika
It's too late. Azeroth will never wake up. He was the Titan's last hope.
...But a bit of his spirit dwells within every hero of Azeroth, every mage who picked up a wand, every warrior who took up a blade, every champion from any world who took root in Azeroth and decided to defend it as their home.
We mortals are all that stands between the Light and oblivion, but so long as this world is our home we're lit from within by the heroic spirit of a dormant Titan.
Wow, this blew up! I was just adding some color to the chronicle, not adding any lore with that comment. It's a reddit post, not canon. :) The Chronicle is meant to be interpreted and enjoyed as you will!
A więc tak się wywinęli od pytań typu" Co się stanie gdy Azeroth się przebudzi czy wszyscy wtedy umrzemy?" zawiodłem się w sumie nie wiem po cholerę wymyślali ten motyw z tym że tytani rodzą się z planet skoro "It's too late. Azeroth will never wake up"
Musisz myśleć o tym jak o układance i podróżach w czasie. Poznajesz cząstki historii i umiejscawiasz je względem pozostałych na swojej własnej osi :p.[/img]
Pamiętam że przed WoDem portal do Outlandu miał się znajdować właśnie w Caverns od Time :p
Dokładnie, każdy następny rozdział jest nudniejszy od poprzedniego, można wybaczyć że książka dla dzieci wprowadza mało do fabuły, ale jej treść jest za bardzo zawiła, zdecydowanie nie coś co czytałbym siostrze przed snem.
( ͡º ͜ʖ͡º)
Tak, zastąpi Rivendare'a jako lidera Czterech Jeźdźców Króla Lisza.
Wait a sec are u trying to cheat me again?
Wszystkie miejscówki obsadzone - Tirion Fordring, Nazgrim, Thoras Trollbane i Sally Whitemane, z czego jeszcze nie wykopali questa na Tiriona (mamy tylko "scenariusz" questlinu)
The Fourth Horseman
Step 01: The Return to Light's Hope - Name changed from "Step 01: The Ebon Blade Returns" to "Step 01: The Return to Light's Hope".
Step 02: Preparations - Name changed from "Step 02: Prepare for Invasion" to "Step 02: Preparations".
Step 03: Upon the Hill of No Return - Name changed from "Step 03: Begin the Invasion" to "Step 03: Upon the Hill of No Return".
Step 04: The Dead Shall Rise - Name changed from "Step 04: Raise the Tomb" to "Step 04: The Dead Shall Rise".
Step 05: The Highlord Awaits - Name changed from "Step 05: Meet With Mograine" to "Step 05: The Highlord Awaits".
Step 06: The Sanctum of Light (New) - Fight your way to the Hall of Champions.
Step 07: Lady of the Light (New) - Defeat Lady Liadrin.
Step 08: An Unholy Fate (New) - Open the Tomb of Tirion Fordring.