Co powiecie na zmiany Druida w Cata?
Wydaje sie, ze Balance i Feral Cat bedzie ciekawy. Zmiana drzewka w resto nie kazdemu pasuje :) ale czy to jakis duzy minus? wszystko sie okaze.
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Dla mnie Cata tez szykuje duzo ciekawych zmian. Mam nadzieje ze sie postaraja z tierami i nowymi epicami. Ale sam pomysl na caly dodatek bardzo ok imo.
tu macie mala analize Balance Druida w Cata. Wydaje sie bardzo ciekawy. Ciekawe jak bedzie dzialal mechanizm tych grzybkow.
oto nowe czary dla druida: New Druid Abilities * Thrash (Level 81): Thrash deals damage and causes all targets within 10 yards to bleed every 2 seconds for 6 seconds. The intent here is to give bears another button to hit while tanking. Talents will affect the bleed, such as causing Swipe to deal more damage to bleeding targets. 5-second cooldown. 25 Rage. * Stampeding Roar (Level 83): The druid roars, increasing the movement of all allies within 10 yards by 40% for 8 seconds. Stampeding Roar can be used in cat or bear form, but bears might have a talent to drop the cooldown. The goal of this ability is to give both bears and cats a little more situational group utility. 3-minute cooldown. No cost. * Wild Mushroom (Level 85): Grows a magical mushroom at the target location. After 4 seconds the mushroom becomes invisible. Enemies who cross the mushroom detonate it, causing it to deal area-of-effect damage, though its damage component will remain very effective against single targets. The druid can also choose to detonate the mushroom ahead of time. This is primarily a tool for the Balance druid, and there will be talents that play off of it. No cooldown. 40-yard range. Instant cast. will see jak to sie bedzie przekladac na dps na raidzie. Nowy offensive spell: --> Starsurge ....> You fuse the power of the moon and sun, launching a devestating blast of energy at the target. Causes 1272.16 to 1756.79 Spellstorm damage to the target and knocking them down. Also generates 10 Lunar or Solar energy. 11% of base mana, 30 yd range, 2 sec cast, 15 sec cooldown Brzmi fajnie. Taki druidowy chaosbolt :) A tu ciakawa analiza (w jezyky angielskim !) New abilities: Eclipse in motion A large portion of the new abilities are going to the ferals, which, let's all be honest with ourselves, is really silly. Not to wander too far off topic, but feral druids already have a slew of abilities to make use of, not to mention being their own source of a fair amount of group utility. The addition of Thrash is one that I will give to bear tanks; they really did need something beyond Swipe spam to get through the day. Stampeding Roar falls completely flat with me. Suffice to say, the utility of the spell seems so limited that Blizzard is either going to have to create specific mechanics that make it super-beneficial or it will remain as nothing more than a shiny button that ferals push when they're bored or doing a long corpse run. The reason I am straying off into ferlawl land is because of point A. If Blizzard does introduce some fight mechanic which encourages the use of Stampeding Roar, then balance druids are going to be asked to provide it when a feral isn't around. Not that I have anything against using my feral forms - okay, that's a lie, I abhor my feral forms with a passion - but stooping to this level is not something that would be beneficial to raiding/group play and be very prohibitive towards druids overall. I'm sure there are quite a number of players that would be excited about the prospect of a balance druid having a solid use of a feral ability, but the mechanics for such a thing simply don't exist in the game right now. Using feral abilities as a balance druid is far too clunky, as is clearly evident by the Lich King encounter, and the system really needs to be improved if balance is going to be expected to make use of feral abilities. My rantings on feral aside, balance druids did finally get what they have been asking for since, well, forever. That's right, a brand new spell made just for us. I'll admit, Wild Mushroom totally came out of left field, but I think I am going to love it. The implications for this spell seem almost limitless. The AoE factor on the ability could really push us into the direction we've been moving for a while now as being a powerhouse of AoE that's easily able to rivial a fire mage. Not just with additional damage, but if the ability ends up functioning similar to Typhoon, the prospect of proccing Nature's Grace to further boost Hurricane's damage is making my jaw drop. Starfall was good enough, but this could be epic. What really stands out is the mention of the single target applications of this spell. Although it seems that using it within a single target rotation would end up being clunky - the spell so far has no cooldown, but a 4 second 'charge' time - the ability to trigger the explosion at will should remedy some of this. There's also the mentioning of it interaction with some of our other talents, which could end up holding great potential. Wild Mushroom is certainly in the 'wait-and-see' mode at this point, but all the stars point to it being a very solid ability. Plus, can you say Shroomkin?! Finally, there is Nature's Torrent. There wasn't many details given about the spell, so I'm utterly at a loss as to how it will fit into our rotation. Essentially, what I am seeing is that this is possibly going to be our version of a burst like ability. In theory, it would work out rather well, though re-introduce heavy aspects of RNG into our rotation. Though Blizzard hasn't really given us anything on it, here is how I am thinking it will work. You build up either "Lunar" or "Solar points" by casting Wrath or Starfire. Once you reach a certain point, you then cast Nature's Torrent. Say you gained "Lunar Points" by casting Wrath. This would cause Nature's Torrent to deal massive amounts of Arcane damage. Then, it would deplete all of your "Lunar Points" but give you a significant number of "Solar Points." You would then continue casting Starfire, building up more "Solar Points" until the cooldown is up again. All depending on how the building of Eclipse pans out, I rather like that system - if in fact that it how it ends up working. It holds a lot of potential to be really, really fun, but it could just as easily fall flat. If Nature's Torrent only drains all of your allotted points, then we will probably end up dropping a good part of our spells and only focus on those with the highest DPS to build points, Nature's Torrent to use it all, and the build back up again. Bleh. Haste/Crit and DoTs/HoTs: Total eclipse! Although the DoT portion was not explicitly mentioned in the original post, given that it has already been said numerous times in every other post made on the topic, it can easily be assumed without question that Insect Swarm and Moonfire are going to finally scale with haste and crit. This is epic. Beyond epic. There are no good words that can describe this. Not only is the fix to scaling that will finally make our DoTs worthwhile across gearing levels awesome, but that haste will no longer reduce the duration of DoT effects is a major bonus. Balance druids rely on their DoTs for more than just damage, they also use them as a form of utility to boost the damage of their other spells. For this reason, having our DoTs last for a shorter duration would not be ideal, thus this mechanics change is super pro. The change also applying to HoTs is generally a good thing as well. Though much better for restoration than balance, balance druid healing will at least get a good measure of benefit out of this. Balance druids usually have weaker HoTs than restoration, and for good reason, but what we usually do have is much higher crit and have values. This means that our DPS gear will be much more apt at boosting our healing capabilities than it currently is. Not super amazing, but still a very solid change. Moonkin Form: The sun, it burns! Oh God, it burns! Okay, so no mention was actually made about Moonkin Form, but one was made about Tree of Life Form, and this is one that really grinds my gears. Balance druids suffer in the same manner that restoration druids do. Being forced into Moonkin Form really locks us out of a lot of our utility. Yes, being able unable to heal isn't a major concern in PvE, and the survivability of Moonkin itself is supposed to make up for it in PvP, but, frankly, it doesn't. Druid healing is not priest healing, balance druids are not shadow priests. Druid healing is very HoT-centric and that hurts any nominal form of off-healing a balance druid can do. Not only that, but the raw output power of our only fast heal is determined by having a HoT present on the target. Priests would be pitching a fit it Flash Heal required Renew to be on the target first before it was even able to make a dent in someone's health pool, yet that's how it stands for druids. For restoration, this isn't as terrible since they will already have HoTs going on the target anyway, but it is a terrible mechanic for balance druids. Balance druids, like restoration druids, need to have access to all of their utility, and that includes healing. It irks me beyond belief that I have to drop a serious chunk of mana (not just in the cost of shifting, but also the gain of Furor), spell power, and raid utility every single time that I have to toss out the odd heal. Does it happen often in raids? No, but it certainly does happen every now and again. Could I or my healers play better to avoid it? Yes, but if everyone played perfectly then it would be boring. I could live with my own personal suffering to heal, but forcing my raid to suffer too is asking way too much. Beyond that, balance could really use a nice burst cooldown for when they need to kill things fast. Currently, we don't really have any power house cooldowns to use in order to do this. Yes, there is Force of Nature, but even with the pet bar they can be highly cumbersome at times. (For example, during phase transitions on the Lich King, they will always go to attack the Lich King after killing a Raging Spirit causing them to wander off into oblivion until I force them back.) Making Moonkin Form a burst cooldown for balance druids would have been awesome, it would have been the best change ever. Instead, it goes to restoration druids. As if they deserved it. Plus, I really just want to be able to see my armor and not be a fat chicken with a target on his head in every PvP setting. GC has already said flat out that this is not going to happen since there is a vast difference in giving up healing spells in order to DPS and giving up DPS spells in order to heal - which I do agree with - but that doesn't mean I can't dream. Mastery bonus: Half eclipse I downrate this only due to lack of information which is really holding it back from being 100% awesome. First, let me start with the haste portion. I love haste; everyone loves haste, we all want haste. Haste is like candy to a balance druid, and no one can resist candy -- that is, of course, unless that candy is being handed out by a stranger in a white van looking for his lost puppy named Nature's Grace. That's some bad candy, and we don't want it. It's been said several times that they are looking in to nerfing Nature's Grace, but it is also been said that they are very worried about doing so. I really hope Blizzard hasn't lost their backbone otherwise balance druids are going to be some really sad pandas. There was no mention of this evil talent within the preview, so we can only hope that the future will make things better for us. Eclipse, on the other hand, sounds like it is actually going to be a very interesting and very amazing mechanic for both PvP and PvE. For PvE, I'm sure we'll find some formulaic rotation to follow which will allow for the highest DPS gain and all that jazz. What's most important, though, is that the Eclipse effect itself is no longer RNG-y and no longer time limited. I don't think I could ask for anything more. To me, having it function similar to a Rage mechanic would be brilliant with just the perfect level of RNG. Having, say, Wrath generate 5 "Lunar points" on hit and 8 "Lunar points" on crit would be divine. The system is highly intuitive, it's flexible, and it holds to the potential to scale with haste (well, it is most certainly going to scale with haste) as well as crit and mastery. That is win in all directions, win that tastes sweeter than mage tears. Of course, with such levels of scaling I am sure it is going to come with some balancing complications. I am not suggesting that balance druids are going to become grossly overpowered, but the potential for over scaling is easily there to a degree. It is all a matter of how things balance out. Given that, it is easy, at least, to tweak any scaling issues that may come out of this. On the PvP side, it really allows for some heavy burst action. By spending a vast majority of time chain casting those machine gun Wraths at people, a druid can build up quite a lunar charge for when they get a sweet four-piece PvP set proc and blast someone with a heavy hitting Starfire, or perhaps Nature's Torrent will become higher burst. I'm thinking this will cause some really, really good things for balance PvP, though it may be too soon to tell how everything turns out. zapraszam do lektury :) Anx aka Deloriaan Next BL |
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