Zapomniałeś, że Death Knight też ma swój questline.Każda klasa powinna mieć swój questline na razie ma tylko warlock i rogue
jeśli chodzi o questline klas postaci to bardzo mi się podobało to co zrobili w SWTOR, szkoda że nie ma tego w wowie ;/
Mi się podoba, to ze nie musze robic questow na kozdy totem shamana osobno... wbijasz odpowiedzni lvl, dostajesz odpowiedni totem... proste
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Jaki questline lokacja startowa , tego nawet nie liczę bo nic z tego nie dostaje
Rogue ma legendarne sztylety , Warlock green fire @ down offtop ja lubię kiedy muszę przejść lokacje: Goblin , Worgen , DK , Pandaren , nimi nie wyjdę z lokacji choć bym chciał :) Najsmutniejsze ma NE ![]() Come to finish the job, have you? I'd like to stand for... <name>? <name>, I'd recognize that face anywhere... What... What have they done to you <name>? You don't remember me? when you were a child your mother would leave you in my care while she served at the Temple of the Moon. I held you in my arms an fed you with honey and sheep's milk to calm you until she would return. You were my little angel. Blasted Scourge... What have they done to you, <name>? You must remember the splendor of life, brother. You were a champion of the Kaldorei once! This isn't you! Listen to me, <name>. You must fight against the Lich King's control. He is a monster that wants to see this world - our world - in ruin. Don't let him use you to accomplish his goals. You were once a hero and you can be again. Fight, damn you! Fight his control! Knight Commander Plaguefist yells: What's going on in there? What's taking so long, <name>? There... There's no more time for me. I'm done for. Finish me off, <name>. Do it or they'll kill us both. <name>... Remember Teldrassil, our beloved home. This world is worth saving. |
Ale lokacja startowa Dk jest najlepsza, ze wszystkich :) Robiłem ja chyba z 5 razy :) Zawsze ta sama łezka w oku jak masz zabić swojego pobratymca a on do ciebie po imieniu :)