This account has been temporarily disabled and is currently unable to access World of Warcraft.
An email has been sent to the registered address on the account with the reason for this temporary closure. If you would like to appeal this decision or did not receive the message please contact our Account Administration team via our webform.
Od razu po tym przejrzałem Mail, i oto jaki dostałem od Blizz'a.
Following repeated incidents of this account being reported of disrupting the in-game chat, we have suspended the World of Warcraft account <nazwa konta> until such time that account ownership can be verified.
In order to regain access to your account, please send us a mail including the following:
Account Name: The account name you are using to login.
CD Key: original WoW game CD-key (we cannot accept Expansion CD keys).
Your Secret Question and Answer.
Name: the full name that the account was created with.
Address: The address information given when the account was created.
Zip/Postal Code: The zip/postal code that was given when the account was created.
The CD key must be from the World of Warcraft box you used when you registered your account. If you have more than one copy of the game, and are unsure which key is the correct one, please include them all. There is no need to include the keys marked "Trial Edition". Expansion CD keys are not accepted.
Please note that it is the responsibility of the account holder to maintain the security of the account. Excessive or repeated failure to ensure the security of the account can result in warnings and, in extreme cases, permanent account closure.
For any disputes of this action or further information on Exploitive Activity, please visit the Exploitative Activity FAQ and contact page here:
LINK. ... leId=4165
Z tego co się doczytałem to niby przeszkadzałem w grze, no ale za to to chyba 3 godzinny ban się dostaje? Poza tym jeszcze muszę im podać wszystkie moje dane konta więc pewnie chodzi o grubszą sprawę. Za bardzo dobrze nie znam się na angielskim więc mógłby ktoś napisać o co dokładnie chodzi Blizzowi? No i... Co zrobić?
Dodam, że całkiem niedawno zmieniałem hasło po prawdopodobnym hacku mojego konta.