Hej, z powodu mojej pierwszej 70tki chcę iść na Black Temple, ubić Ilidana...czy macie może jakieś sprawdzone taktyki? Albo podzielcie się tym co wam wypadło itd...:D
Lepiej ubij 80 bo tak to troche słabo - all 80 tylko ty 70 ;]
For the Horde, bracia Taureni!
Plz Wejdźcie w ten link : LINK a bardzo mnie wspomożecie :) |
tak tyle że na razie nie mam wotlka...więc nie mam jak bić a mi chodzi o sprzęt żeby mieć start w northrendzie lepszy :D
p.s.: dk był na trialu i nie mogę nim grac..:( |
No ja niestety nie byłem na BT, ale wiem, że Erisdar zrobił guild run tam, i wypadł 1 z legendarnych Twin Blades of Azzinoth
..:: Odi Profanum Vulgus ::..
Kto się ukrywał szczuty i tropiony Nigdy nie będzie umiał stanąć prosto WoW status - temporary available |
Jak chcesz to dam ci taktyki po angielsku wraz z umiejętnościami krytycznymi na które trzeba zwracać uwagę. |
1. High Warlord Naj'entus Raid Setup Tank : 1 Healers: 7 minimum. Get 8 or even 9 if you're facing mana and survival issues. DPS : 16-17, depending on your pick of healers. Ranged DPS, as in most TBC encounters, is preferable over melee as melee DPS takes more damage during the fight due to their proximity to each other. Buffs, Pots and Consumables Frost Protection Potions are extremely useful in this encounter. Have your rogues bring Wound Poison. Use any food or buff you have to boost your HP as much as you can. Everybody needs to have an absolute minimum of 8,500 HP. 10,000 HP on every single member is highly recommended, and for most raids should be made a requirement. Frost Aura on Paladins, Frost Resistance Totem on Shamans. Boss Abilities HP - 4,000,000 Melee Stregth - 3.5k on plate Enrage - 8 minutes Needle Spine - Fires a needle spine at 3 targets, most often in a cone, dealing 2890 to 3910 physical damage to them and an additional 2280 to 2520 frost damage to everyone in 6 yards of them. He uses that ability all the time, except while under the Tidal Shield and about 10 seconds after Tidal Shield bursts. Impaling Spine - Fires a massive spine, impaling the target, dealing 4513-4987 physical damage and stunning the target. While the target has the Impaling Spine on him, he will be completely immobilised and bleed for 2750 damage each second. This ability is not used on the Main Tank and cannot be removed with immunity abilities. The spine is a huge coral missile you will see sticking out of the target's chest. When another player runs close to it, they will get the gold cog mouse pointer and will be able to right click on the missile to instantly loot it into their inventory. When the spine is in your inventory, it does not deal any damage or have any effect on you. You can carry up to 5 spines. They can be thrown like a snowball, doing so is the only way of bursting the Tidal Shield. Tidal Shield - He uses this ability every 60 seconds. While the shield is up, he is immune to all spells and attacks. While the Tidal Shield is up, Naj'entus will regenerate 1% of his health every 2 seconds, though this healing is affected by Wound Poison or Mortal Strike. You need to bring down the shield fast. The only way to do this is by bursting it by throwing an Impaling Spine to him. Upon bursting, the bubble deals 8500 frost damage to everyone. It is resistable and affected by Divine Shield, Iceblock and Cloak of Shadows. Strategy The Pull Have a hunter use Misdirection to aggro Naj'entus onto the main tank. Positioning As much as possible, everybody needs to stand 6 yards apart to avoid the additional Needle Spine damage. Melee stand together in 2 "packs" which are 6 yards apart from each other. Ranged DPS and Healers spread around Naj'entus any way they want as long as they are 6 yards apart from each other. The Fight He is tanked in the middle of the room, with the raid spread out around him. The tank should be given at least 10-15 seconds to grab solid aggro. Naj'entus will start throwing Needle Spines at people from the very moment he is pulled. His first Tidal Shield will come up 60 seconds after the pull, and the second shield will come 60 seconds after the first one is cast and so on, throughout the fight. At 20 and 40 seconds into the fight after the pull, and every 20 and 40 seconds after the first Tidal Shield, Naj'Entus will throw one Impaling Spine into a random person. People around that person need to stop whatever they're doing and immediately click on the spine from melee range in order to pick it up into their inventory. Melee DPS need to keep Mortal Strike or Wound Poison up on Naj'entus at all times. After the 60 second mark is reached, he will use his Tidal Shield ability. During that time he cease all other abilities and will only do melee attacks on the main tank. You must heal up everybody above 8,500 health in a few seconds and then have a person throw the Impaling Spine at Naj'Entus by clicking on it in their inventory. The spine will fly towards Naj'Entus as fast as a snowball or other thrown object and will burst his Tidal Shield, dealing 8,500 damage to everybody in the raid. A good idea is to use your Frost Protection Potions the moment he pops up Tidal Shield. After the Tidal Shield is down he will continue doing melee attacks on the MT. After 10 seconds he will resume his Needle Spines. After 20 seconds the first Impaling Spine comes, after 40 seconds the 2nd Impaling Spine, and after 60 seconds the next Tidal Shield pops up. This procedure is simply repeated from 100% to 0%. Class Comments Tanks - Get at least 10 seconds and make sure you have solid aggro before DPS begins. They'll be DPSing like mad so you must hold aggro as much as possible. DPS - Give it your best DPS. The faster he goes down, the less strain on your heals and the more chance you'll kill him before your healers go out of mana. Don't pull aggro from the MT no matter what. Healers - This is one of the most healing intensive fights in the game. Every 60 seconds the entire raid will take 8,500 damage while in between those 60 seconds, a minimum of 2.5k damage will be flying around all the time. Use Alchemy Stones, Flasks, Mana Pots, Shadow Priests if you have to, but keep everybody above 8,500 before the Tidal Shield bursts; keep people alive and don't go out of mana. 2. Supremus Introduction Supremus is the second boss in Black Temple and is an easy encounter, both to learn and to execute. If you have a raid group capable of killing Kael'thas then Supremus will seem like child's play. Raid Setup At least 2 tanks At least 7 healers DPS can be any classes, although ranged DPS will probably be most useful. Your off tank needs to have more HP than your main tank, ideally over 21k so that he can absorb multiple Hateful Strikes. Buffs, Potions and Gear All standard buffs, elixirs or flasks. No special Gear requirements. Boss Abilities Hitpoints: 4.55 million HP Melee hit: Hits for about 5 to 6k on plate, with crushing blows around 10k Molten Flame He sends out streams of blue fire along the ground towards random players in Phase 1 and 2. Deals 3000 fire damage every second if stood in. Must be moved out of immediately. Used every 20 seconds. Hateful Strike A massive melee damage ability done to the highest HP target with significant threat. Will hit cloth for 24,000 damage or more. A well geared bear form druid will take about 6-7,000 per hit, and so is well suited to soaking them up, though a warrior tank can also stand in if needed. Gaze Much like Thaladred the Darkener from the Kael'thas fight, Supremus will set his gaze on a random person and slowly follow them around for 10 seconds. He moves at around 90% of normal movement speed. Switches to a different person after 10 seconds have passed. Phase 2 ability. Molten Punch If the person being followed in phase 2 gets within about 40 yards of him, Supremus will often knock them back for approximately 5k damage. Volcanic Geyser He emotes "The ground begins to crack open!" and summons small Volcanoes, which spew out blue fire all around them and hit for 4500 fire damage. Easily avoidable, phase 2 ability. Strategy Phase 1 The two tanks should run up to the boss and engage him whilst the rest of the raid should spread out around him in a crescent shape. Ranged classes should not get too close to him at any time. Phase 1 is your basic tank and spank fight. As long as nobody over-aggros he will stay on the tank for the duration of the phase. Supremus will do a secondary attack, similar to Gruul or Patchwerk's Hateful Strikes. This attack will deal about 7k damage every 5 seconds to the raid member with the highest HP with significant threat. This will be the offtank, so long as the offtank is actively building threat, and so he or she will need to be healed up. Tanks should build aggro quickly on him and keep building it, allowing the DPS to deal as much damage as quickly as possible. Healers need to be aware of how hard he hits - a crushing blow will often reduce the tank to below half his HP; keep the tank topped, and keep the offtank(s) alive. Melee needs to be aware of where Molten Fire on the ground is coming from and move accordingly - staying in this fire will result in your death. Ranged DPS and healers should also move as soon as they see the Molten Fire coming towards them. It does not change direction so there is no excuse for not moving out of it. 60 seconds after he has been engaged Supremus will switch to Phase 2. Phase 2 This phase is much more hectic. As phase 2 begins Supremus will set his gaze on a raid member. This person must at all costs move away from him quickly. He is very slow (you can outrun him, he walks at about 90% of normal normal movement speed) but if he catches a non tank he will one shot them. He will also perform Molten Punch, a knockback effect dealing 5k damage, if the targeted person gets too close to him (about 40 yards). He will continue to shoot the streams of Molten Fire out from under him during this phase; again just move out the way. Small volcanoes will spawn during this phase in seemingly random locations. They spew out blue fireballs which deal significant fire damage (4500 damage). They are however very easy to spot and to avoid. Tanks during this phase you should chase Supremus and keep your rage topped - As he returns to phase 1 it is an aggro reset so you need to get him under control as soon as possible. If possible move him back to his starting position; this will make it easier for the raid to DPS him. Healers be aware that raid members will be taking damage from the volcanoes during this phase. Keep them up. The person being targeted by Supremus may also be knocked back for significant damage; keeping a shield/HoT (Heal over Time) spell on them is advisable. Melee DPS Don't stick to him like glue during this phase; if he switches his Gaze to you then you will go squish! Stay at a 20 yard range until he has picked up his next target. You then have a short amount of time to DPS him before he switches again. Ranged DPS Go all out on him during this phase: aggro is not an issue. He moves slowly so you shold keep your distance and attack him with your highest damage abilities. However be aware that when he returns to phase 1 it is an aggro reset; watch those DoTs. Hunters and Warlocks can feel free to use their pets - he does not target pets with Gaze, although be aware that the pets will take damage from Molten Fire/Volcanic Geyser. Keeping an imp out with Phase Shift is probably the Warlock's best bet if you wish to use a pet. Everyone has plenty of space to move in so make sure you keep away from him if he targets you. The courtyard you are fighting in counts as outside, so Druids may well wish to use travel form, Shamans use Ghost Wolf form etc. This is not a necessity however. After he has switched target 5 times he will return to phase 1. 3. Shade of Akama Raid Setup 3 Tanks (any mix of warriors and feral druids is fine) 7 Healers 15 DPS (at least 2 of which are mages and 2 are hunters) Melee are strong on this fight. Buffs, Potions and Gear Nothing special required. Boss Abilities Health - 1,000,000 Other Mobs Ashtongue Channeler About 100,000 health. There are 6 Channelers around the Shade of Akama Banishing it, thus making it immune to all attacks until this effect is released. They will ignore all aggro and damage and keep Banishing him until they're dead. Ashtongue Sorcerer 100,000 health Ashtongue Sorcerors always come from the north-most passage (left from entering the room). Ashtongue Sorcerers run in, ignoring all speed effects and all aggro and take the place of a fallen Ashtongue Channeler around the Shade of Akama. The following mobs are susceptible to all kinds of crowd control, stuns and interrupts: Ashtongue Guardian 79,000 health 2,000-4,000 melee hit on plate Ashtongue Guardians always come from the south-most passage (right from entering the room). Debilitating Strike - Melee strike that does 100% weapon damage and applies a debuff that lasts 5 seconds, reducing any melee damage done by the target by 75%. Ashtongue Elementalist 23,000 health 2,000 melee hit Rain of Fire - An AoE ability, just like the warlock's Rain of Fire in size and appearance, doing 2,500 - 3,800 damage per tick to anyone in it. Ashtongue Rogue 28,000 health 2,000-4,000 melee hit on plate Debilitating Poison - A poison that increases the time between the target's attacks by 50%, increases it's casting time by 50% and deals 1665 to 1935 nature damage every 2 seconds. It must be dispelled as soon as possible. Ashtongue Spiritbinder 23,000 health 2,000 melee hit Spirit Mend - Heals an Ashtongue ally, healing 2500 every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. Purge-able. Chain Heal - A healing spell that heals up to 5 allies for 6938-8062 health. The Positioning The key to this fight is making 3 teams: Adds Team 1, Adds Team 2, and a Channeler team. You also have the third tank, who will require increasing amounts of healing as the fight progresses. Adds Team 1 and 2 consist of 1 tank each + 1 mage, 1 hunter, and 1 more DPS (probably a warlock or an elemental shaman). The Channeler Team consists of the rest of your DPS, including at least 1 warlock. Adds Team 1 is by the left door and Adds Team 2 is by the right door, while the Channeler team stays around the centre. You'll meet Akama in the room directly to the right after Supremus. He's stealthed, but easy to see as he's by the door. You start the fight by talking to Akama, after which he'll make a slow walk then start talking some lore. During this time you are able to move through the room with Shade of Akama and the Channelers freely. You can take your positions without fear of aggroing. Akama will initiate the encounter after his speech. The progession of the fight is to kill the mobs Banishing the Shade of Akama, after which Akama will fight and tank the Shade, while you must kill the Shade before it kills Akama. To make it harder for you, packs of adds will come from each of the two blocked exits, until the Ashtongue Channelers and Ashtongue Sorcerers are all dead and the Shade of Akama is free. The Fight The fight is initiated by talking to Akama. The first wave of adds will spawn a few seconds after the fight begins. Melee in your Channeler team focuses on each Channeler at a time while the warlock constantly keeps DoTs on each of the Channelers. When the sets of three mobs spawn, they'll be sprinting for the centre of the room. A hunter should have preemptively set a Frost Trap. As soon as the three mobs are targetable, the mage should Frost Nova them in place and back up. S/he can then Polymorph the Ashtongue Rogue, and the 3 DPS will kill the Ashtongue Spiritbinder, then the Ashtongue Elementalist, and then the Ashtongue Rogue. The fight will seem very difficult until the frost nova trick is used to root these packs of 3 Ashtongue in place long enough for a tank to generate threat. The Frost Trap that hunters lie just adds redundancy to the tactic. Mages who position themselves poorly can get killed if they don't move too quickly away from the Frost Nova-ed mobs. A group of 1 Ashtongue Rogue, 1 Ashtongue Elementalist and 1 Ashtongue Spiritbinder will spawn approximately every 35 seconds from both doors. Also, an Ashtongue Guardian will spawn from the right door every 15 seconds, and go straight for Akama. Until they reach Akama, the Guardians will not respond to attempts to aggro them, but they can be aggroed normally after that. The third tank, preferably a druid, is assigned to tanking them. The first in the kill priority are the Spiritbinders and Elementalists as they heal the most and do the most damage, and they have the least health. Second for the kill are the Rogues, while the Guardians must remain offtanked for the duration of the fight. About the time the Channelers are dead, about 5-6 Guardians minimum should be on the third tank, which means he'll require significant healing. In addition to the normal adds, Ashtongue Sorcerers will also spawn sometimes, who will run up to the Shade, ignoring all aggro and help with Banishing the Shade. They have to be killed like the Channelers by the Channeler team. If all goes well, after about 3-4 minutes all Channelers and Sorcerers should be dead and the Shade of Akama will break free and attack Akama. Akama will in turn attack it as well, and tank it for the fight, applying a poison debuff on Shade of Akama that increases the damage taken by 5% and is stackable. You cannot pull aggro from Akama. When Shade of Akama is free, you can quickly finish off your target, if it's at like 10-20%, but very quickly you need all raid DPS on Shade of Akama. If you have too many adds up, just chain Polymorph and fear them or have them tanked for the remainder of the fight. You have to save all cooldowns: Berzerking, Blade Flurry, Recklessness etc for killing the Shade. The Shade of Akama does a lot more damage than Akama himself, and it will kill him in about a minute maximum. You must kill the Shade of Akama before Akama dies, or you will lose and the encounter will reset. When the Shade of Akama dies, all the adds will soon despawn. Class Assignments Tanks - Make sure to grab aggro on the adds as they come out. Hamstring and Piercing Howl would help if they try running. Druids might try Bashing them to stop them. You might need to run back after them to grab them, but once you do, bring them back to your tank spot. Melee DPS - Your job is to kill the Channelers and incoming Sorcerers. They will ignore all aggro and will never stop Banishing the Shade, so feel free to deal as much damage as you like. Warlocks - Your job is to keep DoTs up on the Channelers at all times, or to help control the packs of 3 adds. Hunters - You'll be in the Adds Teams. Make sure you put in a Freezing(slowing) trap at the entrances so that the mobs don't rush in uncontrolled. Mages - You'll be in the Adds Teams. Your priority is to learn to use Frost Nova effectively on these groups. DPS and don't overaggro. Use Fire Shield to prevent some unlucky Rain of Fire damage. Healers - You need 1 healer on each of the tanks, with 2-3 healers on the Ashtongue Guardian tank as the fight progresses. The rest of the healers, preferably shamans, should focus on raid healing. 4. Teron Gorefiend Raid Setup 1 tank Bringing more than 1 is a waste of DPS time you dont have, at least until you master the fight. He will need around 20,000 HP. 8 healers You will need Paladins/Priests, would reccomend at least 2 of each. Any DPS class can fill the rest of the raid. Buffs, Potions and Gear Prayer of Shadow Protection is needed on the whole raid. All standard buffs, elixirs, flasks. Shadow and Fire resistance potions aren't a necessity but can help to mitigate damage. Boss Abilities Melee hit: about 5,000 to 6,000 on plate, perfectly capable of landing critical hits of 15,000 HP: 5,800,000 Doom Blossom Dark clouds form above him which will randomly shoot shadow bolts into the raid. Bolts hit for roughly 1500 damage. Shadow of Death Will target a random raid member every 30 seconds with a debuff of death. Targeted player will die after 55 seconds and turn into a ghost for 60 seconds(explained later). Will not target highest on aggro list. Crushing Shadows Will target 5 random people in the raid with a debuff that increases their shadow damage taken by 50% for 15 seconds. Can be removed with Iceblock, Divine Shield and Cloak of Shadows (though they might be better saved for Incinerate). Incinerate Randomly targeted ability that deals 2775 to 3225 fire damage on impact and every second for 3 seconds. It must be dispelled immediately. He uses this ability every 20 seconds or so. Shadowy Construct Abilities Melee hit: about 800 on plate, up to 2000 on cloth HP: 60,000 Immune to all attacks except from ghosts Atrophy Each time a Construct melee strikes a player, it applies this debuff which slows attack speed/casting speed on a raid member by 5%, and can stack up to 10 times. It cannot be dispelled. Strategy The Pull The main tank engages by simply running towards Teron Gorefiend. The raid will engage the boss and move directly to the furthest possible point away from the entrance. He will be tanked facing away from the raid, at the bottom of his stairs. As soon as the main tank has run to the boss, the entire raid should quickly run down where shown below. Healers may well wish to keep HoTs on the tank as he pulls, to guard against nasty crushing blows. The Fight He only has one phase in which many things will occur. The first and foremost to note is that he hits quite hard on plate so healers will need to be assigned to keep the main tank alive. After 10 seconds he will target a random raid member and place a debuff on them called 'Shadow of Death'. This debuff will cause the raid member to turn into a ghost when it has ended, and in doing so the player will spawn 4 Shadowy Constructs (similar to the mobs in Rattlegore's room, Scholomance). The main priority of the affected player will be to then kill these Constructs before they reach the raid and kill the healers. It is of the utmost importance that this job is performed quickly and efficiently; for a loose Construct in the raid is almost certainly a wipe. Ghost tactics will be discussed further on in the strategy. As Gorefiend is DPSed down he will mark another player for death every 30 seconds. It is advisable that warlocks place soulstones upon these people so that when they have finished their ghost phase they can rejoin the fight; or druids can be assigned to res them. Doom Blossoms will form above him and begin to fire shadowbolts into the raid. As the fight progresses more of these will spawn and the raid will require more and more healing to compensate. As an added twist he will randomly debuff raid members with an increased shadow damage buff named Crushing Shadows, which lasts 15 seconds. Shadow bolts hitting players with this debuff hit for noticeably more (up to 2500). Gorefiend will also target random raid members with Incinerate during the fight which deals significant fire damage over time (roughly 3000 damage a second). This must be cleansed by a priest or paladin immediately, as combined with the Shadow Bolts, it can lead to a quick death. Once the raid has mastered these different abilities it is invariably a race against time. You must kill Gorefiend before too many Doom Blossoms spawn, or before too many people have become ghosts. His health is not great (4,100,000), but DPSing him down before his abilities kill the raid will take time and practice. Ghost Strategy Upon receiving the Shadow of Death players will have 55 seconds to continue fighting Teron before they die and transform into a ghost. It is imperative that these people do not die in the raid, as they will spawn Constructs on top of the raid. The Constructs themselves are immune to attacks from any alive players, making it vitally important that they are killed swiftly. If you get the debuff you should run out of the fight when it has about 20 seconds left, back to the main entrance. If any Constructs reach the raid, they will hit for about 3000 on cloth and will give people a debuff called Atrophy, reducing their attack speed by 5% for 60 seconds. This can stack up to 10 times. The Constructs themselves are immune to attacks from any alive players. As soon as you die you will become a ghost for 60 seconds. Controlled by your pet bar (like the bar used in Karazhan's Chess Event), this ghost has 5 abilities: 1 - Spirit Strike: deals ~700 dmg to the target and decreases the damage they do by 10% for 5 seconds. Must be performed in melee range of target. 2 - Spirit Lance: deals ~6000 dmg to the target and decreases the target's movement speed by 30%. Can stack up to 3 times. 3 - Spirit Volley: deals ~10000 dmg to all nearby targets. 15 second cooldown. 12 yard range. 4 - Spirit Chains: locks all nearby targets in place for 5 seconds. 15 second cooldown. 12 yard range. 5 - Spirit Shield: absorbs up to 12000 shadow damage on a friendly target. 90 second cooldown. Note that the Ghost is invulnerable to the Construct's attacks, and therefore will not ever get aggro from them. Also note that Gorefiend is invulnerable to each Ghost ability, with the exception of Spirit Strike. As soon as you become a ghost you should shackle the Constructs around you. This will stop them running to the raid and give you time to manoeuver around in front of them. Your objective should be to hit each Construct with the Spirit Lance at least once every 5 seconds. This will slow them down, giving you time to kill them. Players mess up the ghost section most often when they try to use Spirit Volley to damage them. This is completely unnecessary. The Constructs can be killed swiftly and efficiently by rotating only the Spirit Lance among the four constructs. This method also ensures that no mistakes are made when using Spirit Volley. When players get really good at understanding how to control the Constructs, only then should they be concerned with using Spirit Volley. If performed correctly, the Constructs should die within 40 seconds, giving you 20 seconds to perform a few more tasks. Once your Constructs are dead it is advisable to float to the raid and hit Gorefiend with Spirit Strike. Once this is done, target a healer with Spirit Shield and give them the buff. If you still have time left after this, you can help fellow Ghosts with their Constructs. Please note that the Shadow of Death ability has nothing to do with aggro. It is completely random. What it means however is that each raid member needs to know exactly what to do if they should get targeted by it. The only person who will not get it is the main tank, or the highest on aggro at the time it is cast. Class Roles Tank Simply keep Teron on you for the entire fight. You will not get the Shadow of Death debuff as long as you stay top of his aggro list. Face him away from the raid, towards the entrance; the same way he's facing as you engage. Make sure to move him forward slightly so that hunters can DPS from the far side. Melee Stay behind him and dont overaggro. Be aware of your debuffs. Ranged Stay at the far wall and dont overaggro. Be aware of your debuffs. Pets may be used in this fight as they do not gain any of his debuffs. They can be targeted by the Shadowy Constructs but are very unlikely to generate more aggro than the healers. Warlocks should use their imps to maximise their party's hitpoints. Hunters can leave their pets on the boss to boost DPS as much as possible. Warlocks Once your raid feels comfortable with the fight, organising soulstones on those that get Shadow of Death is advisable. Some discussion with the druids regarding combat resses may be needed. Healers Assign healers to specific roles; the tank will need 4 dedicated healers at all times, possibly more. One paladin/priest should be assigned to cleanse Incinerate. Some healers will be needed to heal the raid later on in the fight - druids or shamans are good choices for this. Watch the raid's debuffs, prioritse those with Crushing Shadows. Be aware of your own debuffs. Druids See warlock comment above. 5. Gurtogg Bloodboil Raid Setup You will need 3 tanks. At least 8 healers are needed, 9 can also be used. Due to the high amount of healing needed in this fight shadow priests are a great bonus. Bring 2 or 3 if possible and put them in healers groups. Make sure they keep Vampiric Touch up at all times. Buffs, Potions and Gear All standard flasks, elixirs, buffs. Healers may well wish to bring as many Mana per 5 consumables as they can. This is an intense healing fight. Amplify Magic can be used to great effect in this fight. Fight Overview In phase 1, Gurtogg is tanked by 3 tanks and uses his Bloodboil ability 5 times. This phase lasts 60 seconds: 10 seconds before the first Bloodboil, and 10 seconds after each Bloodboil. Phase 2 then begins when he casts Fel Rage on a random raid member and aggros onto that raid member for 30 seconds. After that, he returns to the top target on his aggro list and phase 1 starts again. The fight continues till then end in this 90 second "loop". Boss Abilities Melee hit: Hits for about 5 to 6k on plate normal hit. Crushing blows land for about 8-9k on plate in phase 1. In phase 2 they can be hitting cloth wearers (see below), and can do 20k of damage. HP: over 5.6 million Acidic Wound Applies a stacking debuff to the current Main Tank every 2 seconds. Reduces the armor of the tank by 500 and ticks for 250 damage on the first application. Stacks up to 99 times. Acidic Wound cannot be removed. Phase 1 ability. Disorient Disorients the target currently highest on aggro (similar effect to Hunter's Scatter Shot). Lasts 5 seconds. Phase 1 ability. Knockback Knocks the current Main Tank back, reducing his threat. Phase 1 ability. Arcing Smash A powerful melee cleave attack that strikes all targets directly in front of the boss. Arcing Smash is used in both phases. It can hit for about 5,000 damage in phase 1, and 12,000 damage in phase 2. It also applies a "Mortal Strike" debuff that lasts for 6 seconds and reduces healing effects by 50% and, critically, it reapplies the Acidic Wound debuff on all targets afflicted. He uses it fairly frequently, about once every 10 seconds at least. Fel Acid Nature debuff applied in a wide cone in front of the boss, with a moderate range of about 10 yards. Deals roughly 8000 nature damage over 10 seconds. Resistable. Used in both phases. Bloodboil A stacking debuff that he casts every 10 seconds to the 5 raid members furthest away from him. Deals 600 damage to the target every second for 24 seconds. Phase 1 ability. Geyser Targets the Fel Raged person and deals 5k nature damage to that person and all raid members within 5 yards of them. Phase 2 ability. Fel Rage Places this 30 second debuff on a seemingly random raid member every 90 seconds, and on Gurtogg himself. Gives the following effects: - increases armour by 15,000 (not applicable to Gurtogg) - increases health by 30,000 (not applicable to Gurtogg) - increases healing done by 100% - increases damage done by 300% - decreases cost of spells and abilities by 50% - increases size by 100% Gurtogg himself will also gain Fel Rage at this point, increasing his damage done by a considerable amount. During Fel Rage, he will only attack the raid member with the Fel Rage debuff, until they are dead or the Rage has worn off. Phase 2 ability. Insignificance All abilties used when this debuff is applied cause no threat. This is cast on the entire raid at the start of Phase 2. The target with Fel Rage will not show as having Insignificance, but still their actions will not affect their aggro level during phase 1. Enrage Gurtogg will enrage 10 minutes after you first engage him. Strategy Positioning Position the raid as shown below: Just before the fight begins Mages may wish to put Amplify Magic on the whole raid. Bear in mind Fel Acid and Geyser are magical damage, but the benefit of Amplify Magic should outweigh the extra damage taken. See the image below for a visual marker for Bloodboil during the fight. Make sure your ranged DPS and healers are aware of this line as their positioning revolves around it. The three tanks should position themselves as shown, with their backs facing the wall. The offtanks should stand toward the sides to avoid Arcing Smash. Have a hunter Misdirect one of the offtanks a few seconds into the fight to ensure no healer pulls aggro. Gurtogg should be facing away from the raid, so the melee are not affected by his close range abilities. Phase 1 For the tanking strategy, see below. 10 seconds after you have engaged Gurtogg he will apply Bloodboil to the 5 members of the raid furthest away from him. This debuff is a fairly sizeable amount of damage (14400 damage in total), and will need healing up, as well as some solid strategy involved to avoid people dying from it. Assign 3 groups in the raid who will be Bloodboil 'sponges'. These groups will take it in turns to take the debuff, to avoid it stacking multiple times. For example, groups 3 4 and 5 are assigned to take the debuff. At the initial pull all the members of group 3 make sure they are furthest away from the boss compared to the rest of the raid. As soon as they have taken the debuff, they move in closer to Gurtogg (to avoid taking any more Bloodboils), and group 4 moves back to take the next debuffs. When group 4 has the debuff, they move in close and group 5 moves back, and so on. Use the above pictured visual marker line to move behind in order to take the debuffs (a symbol on an unmoving person's head can also be used as a marker, but this will generally lead to people clumping on that person, which can result in large amounts of raid damage at the start of Phase 2). Gurtogg will cast this debuff 5 times in phase 1 in 10 second intervals. Healers should be assigned to the groups in order to counteract the effects of the debuff. Shaman's Chain Heals are very effective in healing the damage, druids are also very effective in countering the debuff with HoTs. It is very important that the groups assigned to take the debuff move when they are supposed to. For DPS classes: you must watch your threat generation. The boss is not Taunt-able and will Disorient the main tank causing him to lose aggro momentarily, as well as knocking the tank back, reducing his threat. Because of this, DPS must not go above the offtanks in their threat levels. For the first 60 seconds it is highly reccomended that DPS classes go very slowly in terms of their damage done. Melee classes also need to be aware that Gurtogg will in all likelihood turn around at the start of Phase 2, so moving out of his way 5 seconds before he changes Phase is a good idea, to avoid taking unneccesary damage from Arcing Smash. Healers will need to be very alert to who is taking damage, and assignments must be made as to whom to heal. The tanks will be taking massive amounts of damage, and it is reccomended that 6 tank healers are used: 4 on the main tank and 1 for each offtank to keep them alive. 2 healers should be enough to cover the Bloodboil damage. Be aware of course that the main tank will change during the fight; healers need to be ready for this. As Gurtogg casts the 5th application of Bloodboil the whole raid should spread out in all directions. Do not spread too far; make sure everyone is in range of healing. Spreading out will minimise the effects of Geyser, detailed in Phase 2. Tanking Strategy, Phase 1 Tanks have a very hard job in this fight. It is worth noting that Gurtogg is not Taunt-able, and all 3 tanks will need to build aggro as much as possible. This will be fairly easy, as Gurtogg has many multi-target abilites which he will place on all tanks. As soon as you engage Gurtogg be ready for high damage attacks. Shield Block should be used as much as possible. Gurtogg will use Arcing Smash, his cleave attack, often. This attack can hit tanks for up to 6k in phase 1. He will also use Fel Acid, giving the offtanks even more damage. The main tank will recieve a stacking debuff called Acidic Wound every 2 seconds. This debuff will reduce his armor and tick for larger amounts of damage to the point where it is not possible to tank him anymore (for example, this debuff ticks for 5k damage at 20 stacks). Since he is not Taunt-able, having all 3 tanks at the top of the aggro list is a necessity. Sooner or later, he will Disorient his primary target, leaving them unable to act for 5 seconds. It is at this point that he will switch to the next highest on his aggro list. This needs to be a tank, otherwise he will run rampant through the raid, causing a wipe. This is the strategy through phase 1, switching the tanks as he Disorients them or knocks them back. However it is worth noting that Disorient is (seemingly) random. He may well do it twice in 10 seconds, or not do it during the phase at all. Also, a tank with good avoidance is likely to avoid a lot of Disorients anyway. Because of this, tanks need to be aware of each others' threat and stay not only the top 3 on the threat list, but also close to each other's threat levels. If one tank is way ahead in threat, he won't lose aggro from Gurtogg's abilities alone. Such a tank may well need to stop attacking entirely, in order to go lower on Gurtogg's aggro list. Gurtogg will knockback every 15 seconds or so, but this is not always a guaranteed loss of aggro whereas Disorient is. Paladins can use Blessing of Protection on the tank if need be, to ensure his drop in threat, but this should not be necessary; Gutogg's own threat reduction abilities should be more than sufficient for tanks to lose their aggro. Once you have mastered the strategy, Gurtogg can be done with only 2 tanks, although this is far riskier; if he Disorients a lot it is far more likely that a DPS class will overtake in terms of aggro. Phase 2 As soon as Gurtogg casts Geyser, phase 2 has begun. Geyser will target a random person in the raid, and that person will be affected by Fel Rage. If the raid has spread out effectively then the effects of Geyser will be minimal, but it is extremely important that all healers know who it is that has Fel Rage, as that person will be the focus of Gurtogg's attacks for 30 seconds, or until they die. Gurtogg moves quite fast; about the speed of an epic land mount. As he lumbers off to attack the Fel Raged person, there are several things that need noting: - There are still Bloodboil debuffs ticking on 2 groups. - The tanks are still taking damage from his Acidic Wound ability. - The Fel Raged person will be taking many of his close range abilities: Arcing Smash, Fel Acid, and his normal attacks. Obviously this means that raid healers need to be working hard. The main focus should be the Fel Raged person. No matter which class is targeted by this, they will require massive amounts of healing. All healers should switch to the Fel Raged person immediately, and heal them as much as possible. The healers assigned to Bloodboil need to make sure they keep their groups up however, and it is necessary to heal the tanks through their debuff as well. Do not underestimate how hard Gurtogg will hit the Fel Raged person though (up to 20k crits can happen). It is most important that the Fel Raged person does everything in their power to keep themselves alive. Healing effects are increased by 100%, and this also includes Healthstones and Potions. Any way that classes can absorb damage, slow Gurtogg's attacks, or heal themselves should be used. Detailed class instructions for Fel Rage can be found at the end of the guide. If the Fel Raged person should die then Gurtogg will return to the highest on his aggro list (one of the tanks). If this should happen the tank in question will probably need to Shield Wall in order to survive his attacks, as his damage is increased by 100% by the Fel Rage buff. It is in the raid's best interest not to let the Fel Raged person die, as with their 30k extra HP, they are far better suited to take Gurtogg's attacks than the tanks are. Gurtogg will also return to the highest on his aggro list if the Fel Raged person uses an immunity effect like Iceblock or Divine Shield. A final note regarding Fel Rage: move away from the affected target. People standing too close can be hit by Arcing Smash and Fel Acid. This is another benefit of spreading out at the end of Phase 1. During Phase 2 DPS should be maximised. The whole raid will have the Insignificance debuff, which causes your abilities to have no threat. Because of this, DPS should go full out and burn him down as much as possible. Use all cooldowns and trinkets in order to do as much burst damage as possible. Do note however that Insignificance is resistable, so check you've got it before going all out on Gurtogg. Hunters and Warlocks should attempt to get as much DPS out of their pets as possible during this phase. Warlocks grouped with tanks however should always keep their imp out and Phase Shifted, to provide extra HP. After 30 seconds, phase 2 and Fel Rage will end, and Gurtogg returns to Phase 1. If he has moved during Phase 2, it is advisable to get out of the way of him as he returns to the tanks, as he can Arcing Smash on his way back. Rinse and repeat to get him down. Be aware of his 10 minute enrage timer which will cause a wipe should he reach it. Gurtogg is a very difficult encounter to learn, and a fairly hard one to execute correctly. Depending on your raid setup it may take some time to master. Class Instructions For Fel Rage Druid If you are restoration specced and targeted with Fel Rage your best bet is to hit Barkskin and heal yourself. Keep all HoTs up, and be ready to use Swiftmend/Nature's Swiftness If you are Feral, go Bear form immediately. Frenzied Regeneration will heal for double the amount, use it wisely. Keep Demoralizing Roar up, and damage him as much as you can. Hunter Hit Aspect of the Monkey as soon as possible. Damage him with your melee attacks. Mage Put Ice armor on as soon as possible. Slowing his attacks by 25% may well save your life. Use Ice barrier constantly if you have it, use Mana Shield if your health dips dangerously low. Use instant attacks such as Fire Blast or Ice Lance on him, if you have the mana to spare. Do not use Iceblock. Paladin Keep casting as many heals on yourself as possible. Do not use Divine Shield. Priest Use Power Word: Shield every time it becomes available. Keep Renew up and chain cast Flash Heal on yourself. Be ready with Desperate Prayer if you have it. Rogue Hit Evasion and burn your cooldowns to damage him as much as possible. Hit Cloak of Shadows if he uses Fel Acid on you. Do not Vanish. Shaman If you are restoration, put Earth Shield on as soon as possible and heal yourself constantly. If you are enchancement/elemental it may well still be advisable to heal yourself as much as your mana will allow. If the other healers are comfortable however, you might be able to do some damage. Warlock Chain cast Drain Life. Keep casting and recasting it even though it will be interupted. Keep up Siphon Life if you have it, use Deathcoil if it's off cooldown. Warrior Equip a shield immediately and get into Defensive stance. Keep Commanding Shout up at all times. Damage him as best you can. Do not use Death Wish. 6. Reliquary of Souls Raid Setup 2 Tanks ( 1 Warrior is needed in phase 2 for Deaden; other phases are more flexible) 7 Healers 16 DPS Buffs, Potions and Gear For phase 3, you will need a Cauldron of Major Nature Protection for each serious attempt. Phases 1 and 2 are pretty tough, so you won't need it on your first visit. A mix of elixirs/flasks and stamina food is advised to achieve success in the different phases. For healers it is recommended to use +healing elixirs instead of mp5 flasks since raw healing power is what you will need to keep up the raid in a short period of time where mana shouldn't be much of a problem. Boss Abilities Reliquary of Souls (RoS from now on), is a boss that consists of three different phases, each one very different from the previous and challenging in a new way. Each phase has an "Aura" that affects the entire raid throughout that phase. Melee: Between 1,000-1,500. Cannot critically hit. Melee damage is not that important outside Phase 1; you will be worrying much more about the abilities detailed below. Essence Of Suffering ("EoS") - Phase One HP: 2,300,000 Aura of Suffering Healing effects reduced by 100%. Regeneration effects reduced by 100%. Armor reduced by 100%. Defense reduced by 500. Applied on the whole raid. Lasts until the boss switches to the next phase. It should be duly noted that Nightmare Seeds, Battlemaster's Trinkets, And Last Stand can all be used to temporarily restore health despite this aura. Fixate A player gains aggro when marked with this debuff. Cast every 5 seconds on the closest target. Enrage Every minute, approximately, EoS will Enrage and start dealing a lot more damage (between 3000 and 4000 per strike). Enrage is a reliable timer, and the Bigwigs mod covers it, so it is worth having at least one raid member with it installed. Lasts for 15 seconds. Soul Drain Randomly targetted spell which deals damage and drains mana: 2,500-3,400 damage/mana drained every 3 seconds. Lasts 30 seconds. Dispellable. Resistable. Essence Of Desire ("EoD") - Phase Two HP: 5,300,000 Aura of Desire Damage taken when damage dealt (50%). Healing increased by 100%. Decreases maximum mana over time. Lasts until the next phase switch. Takes 160 seconds to drain your raid's mana completely. Deaden Increases damage taken by 100% on the target. Lasts 10 seconds. Cast every 30-35 seconds on the primary aggro target. Can be Spellreflect-ed and interrupted. Spirit Shock Disorient-type attack that deals huge damage (9,200 to 11,000) on the main aggro target. Each time EoD successfully casts a Spirit Shock, the cast time decreases and the spell disorients the target for 5 seconds, thereby causing a tank switch. Must always be interrupted. 1 second cast time. Cast every 5 seconds. Rune Shield EoD will cast a self-shield (it's easy to spot as it's really shiny), that can be Devoured (Felhunter) and Spellsteal-ed. It must be removed from her as soon as possible, as it absorbs around 40k damage and gives immunity to melee. Lasts until removed. Essence Of Anger ("EoA") - Phase Three HP: 3,000,000 Aura of Anger Deals shadow damage over time. Increases damage dealt. Effects increase over time. This dot starts off at 103 damage per tick and increases by 103 each time it ticks. ie. 1st tick: 103 2nd tick: 206 3rd tick: 309 4th tick: 412 etc... Spite Randomly targetted on individuals in the raid. After 6 seconds of immunity to all damage, you will get hit by 7444-7556 nature damage. You need to take a Major Nature Protection Potion from the Cauldron of Major Nature Protection before the six seconds are over, or you'll die to either the combined damage of the nature damage and the Aura of Anger. Soul Scream Deals 2,500-3,400 shadow damage, mana burns for 4,000-6,000 and burns rage too: every rage burned adds 100 damage. Area of effect in a large frontal cone. For example a tank with 50 rage will typically get hit for 11,000 damage: 3,000 damage from initial effect + (80 x 100) = 11,000 damage Seethe Increases threat generated by 200%. Lasts 10 seconds. Only cast when the boss switches target, either from aggro pull or Taunt. It is therefore possible to avoid Seethe ever being cast. Path To The Boss In order to reach Reliquary of Souls you will have to clean some of the room before the boss. This room works just like the old Blackwing Lair Broodlord gauntlet. For those who don't know, it's basically a room where respawn timers are really short so you need to make your way to the boss very quickly. The best way to do this is in 3 steps, always sticking to the right side and everyone moving at the same pace. The average pack will normally contain a couple of red wisp shaded souls (Detect Invisibility helps with seeing them), 2 purple souls and a blue soul (the ghost model). Each of these packs represents a step, for a total of 3 steps. After the last one you should be standing near the wall at the end of this room looking at Reliquary of Souls down the slope at the end of the next room. Important: As soon as the last pack dies everyone must go down the slope right away or you'll pull some ghosts while you start the RoS event. Important: If for some reason you are slow on killing the last pack, don't try killing mobs as they respawn; tank them until the full pack is respawned, then AoE them down all down together and move the whole raid quickly down the slope as soon as the last one dies. Positioning The key to this fight is to get a perfect phase one and good interrupters in phase two. Phase three is just a DPS race against the Aura dealing shadow damage. Let's split the positioning between the phases: Phase One This phase is all about positioning and repositioning in a tightly coordinated way. On the diagram, the selection ring of EoS is shown. This is the actual red glowing ring that apears beneath the boss when it is your current target. Point A is at the center of that ring, in the middle of the boss. Point B represents any spot on the border of that ring. With perfect execution, the boss will never move throughout the entire stage. Realistically, you will get some small shifts even with a good execution, The positioning of raid members outside of these points is not important. Phases Two And Three These phases are not really a problem positioning-wise. Stay in two camps to keep it easy. Good assignment of healers is needed into three groups: tank healers, melee DPS healers and ranged DPS healers. Shamans prove to be good at chain healing the packed groups so use them wisely. The Fight The fight is initiated when you step onto the slope I wrote about in the "Path To The Boss". As soon as you start moving down the slope when you've killed the ghosts as instructed, the RoS event will begin. Essence Of Suffering - Phase 1 As soon as phase 1 begins, heals will be nullified by the aura. At the start, have your hunters run in and stand at point A. EoS will Fixate on one of them. The Fixated hunter should move to point B. This prevents EoS aggroing onto the same hunter twice, because the hunters at point A are "closer" to EoS, but won't cause EoS to shift its own position, because point B is still in range. As soon as the first hunter is Fixated, begin DPS, but without any non-hunters moving inside the selection circle. After 5 seconds, EoS will move onto the next hunter. The first hunter should move well out of the selection circle and start DPS-ing the boss with his ranged attacks. All DPS throughout all of phase 1 can go all out. There is no danger of drawing aggro. Continue this process until each hunter has been Fixated. When the last hunter is fixated, he moves to point B like the ones before him, and the entire rest of the raid moves to stand at point A. This procedure now continues with the entire raid. The Fixated person moves to point B, and those who are able to take the next Fixate stand at point A. Any class is capable of surviving at least one Fixate; they only take 5 hits. The important things are: not to move too far away when Fixated, not to be asleep and miss the fact that you have been Fixated, and generally to be alert. When moving from point A to point B, edge out in small steps. You want to avoid moving outside the circle and then back in, as this will move the boss and cause compilcations. When Enrage is about to be cast, the raid should run outside of the selection circle, with these exceptions: 1) The currently Fixated player, who stays at point B. A very common eror is for this player to run off with everybody else, and thus move the boss. 2) Tanks: protection warriors and feral druids and anybody else who can survive a powerful attack. The procedure for the Enrage is the same as the rest of phase one, except you have now reduced the possible targets to your tougher classes. EoS behaves in exactly the same way, only it hits a lot harder. It lasts for 3 Fixates (15 seconds). Don't overestimate the capacity of your tanks to survive solo tanking without heals. As soon as the Enrage is over, the rest of the raid must move back to point A and resume the procedure outlined above. You may find rogues are a good class to move in first as they can Evasion tank the tail end of the Enrage fairly effectively if necessary. Power Word: Shield can also be used during Enrage to keep the Fizated person alive if necessary. When melee classes do not wish to take a Fixate (because they could not survive it or because they are saving their health for the next Enrage), they can move outside of the selection circle and stay in melee range. Blessing of Potection is a gamble in this phase, and should be strictly a last resort, avoided altogether if possible. Like other Fixate-type mobs in the game, EoS does have an aggro list, only Fixate overrides it. If you BoP the Fixate target, you will probably see EoS fly off at great speed towards a mage or warlock and kill it, then start Fixating the nearest target. This will often lead to a wipe, so only use BoP if you are certain a player is about to die. With good DPS, you will need to live through 2 Enrages. Needing to go through 3 Enrages is very normal. Finally, when you get the boss to 1%, it goes back to its spawn spot and give you a little rest time. Essence Of Suffering - Alternate A protection warrior stacking Shield Block value can tank the entire first minute (up to the first Enrage). Usually around 650 Shield Block value will give you high sustainability. Use Shield Block every time it's up. Keep Thunderclap and Demoralizing Shout up to minimize incoming damage. Furthermore, have a paladin use Blessing of Sacrifice and have a priest use Power Word: Shield every time possible. If things get tight, Last Stand will work provided the warrior gets out of harm's way before the debuff falls off, or he doesn't take any additional damage to kill him. After the first timer is up, a rogue will use Evasion to negate the enrage. After the first enrage, Feral druids in high quality DPS gear can use their bear form large hitpoint pools to soak damage. If one druid gets too low, a second druid can take over or you can begin letting your entire raid soak the damage, as described in the main strategy. However, many guilds find that a feral druid can last the duration of the second phase very easily even in DPS gear. A second Enrage can be covered by a second rogue, and by that time the Essence of Suffering should be dead or nearly dead. Ghost Time Between phase one and phase 2, several ghosts will appear from three spot lights at the edges of the room. Make everyone gather and AoE them down. Each time a ghost dies, everyone gets full health and mana. Shortly after the ghosts are dead, phase 2 will begin. Essence Of Desire - Phase 2 As soon as phase 2 begins, the tank will run to the spawn spot and start building threat. This tank must be a warrior, since the main tank will be the one Spellreflect-ing the Deaden. Also a new aura will be applied. This aura reduces mana, increases healing done and every single point of damage you do to EoD will be returned to you as 50% of what you did. Example: You Frostbolt EoD for 4,600 You take 2,300 damage. This ability, combined with "Deaden", can two-shot any caster, so be sure to keep them warned about their crits. There are several things to do here so let's try to keep it as simple as we can: First of all, the Rune Shield EoD casts must be removed as soon as possible or you will not be able to interrupt its spells (which will quickly wipe you). There are several ways of doing it: mages Spellstealing and felhunters helping with Devour are good enough. At the same time, we have the Deaden and Spirit Shocks. You want to Spellreflect Deaden onto the boss to boost your DPS and interrupt the Spirit Shock to avoid a wipe because of the disorient effect and the consequent MT switch (thereby killing your melee, most likely). For interrupts, you will need rogues, mages and warriors setting a good rotation on Kick/Pummel/Counterspell, otherwise your raid will be done for. You can't keep a tank second on the threat list as the raid DPS needs to be very high. As the Kick cooldown is comparatively short, a good system is to use 3 rogues in rotation, with another player standing by for backup. It's important not to interrupt the Deadens, as they need to be reflected back on the boss to boost raid DPS (and there's always "Essence of Desire's Deaden is resisted by Essence of Desire"). The Deadens are precious, the Spirit Shocks are deadly, and the cast times are short, so a lot of work and focus must go into the interrupting. From a healer's point of view, you will be either constantly healing the main tank to keep him up with the damage he is receiving or constantly healing DPSers because of the half damage taken from their own damage dealt. Shamans prove to be really good at healing the packs of people because of their Chain Heal. Finally, and as you can imagine, this is yet another DPS race where you fight against your mana, since the aura will be decreasing your mana pool over time. Clever use of Deaden and correct assignment of healers for the tank and melee (between 2 and 3 healers in total) and the casters (the rest of the healers), is the way to get this correctly done. There are some further survival tricks that can get you down the last 5% even if you are out of mana. Each priest can save their Inner Focus to dispel EoD's Rune Shield to remove it. Paladins can use Lay on Hands to keep the tank alive. The other critical abilities; Kick and Spellreflect; are of course unaffected by the mana shortage. Once again when EoD reaches 1%, it will go to the spawn spot and another ghost phase begins. Essence Of Anger - Phase 3 A short time after the ghosts are dead, this last phase begins. Your tank has to run again to the spawn point and start building aggro. The MT must turn Essence of Anger's back to the raid immediately to keep Soul Scream off the raid. Of course the MT will still be getting hit by Soul Scream, which will burn his rage and deal extra damage. The Aura of Anger will be boosting the aggro from DPS faster than that from the tank, as his extra aggro abilities like Sunder Armor, Shield Slam, etc will not be affected. Spite can be dealt with by taking Major Nature Protection Potions, as explained in the ability above. Seethe will only affect your raid if Seethe should not be cast if EoA is not aggroed from the MT or Taunted back. If Seethe hits anyone but the MT, they need to cut right down on all high aggro or damage abilities until it wears off. This will be a major DPS test for your raid. Blood Lust/Heroism, Haste Potions, Destruction Potions, cooldown abilities, trinkets: EVERYTHING has to be used in order to deal maximum damage to the boss, including using a Healing Potion to keep yourself up for one last tick from the Aura. You realistically need to take down the boss in about 100 seconds, by which time half the raid will be dead. In addition to the above, the Aura will also be increasing its damage done to the raid quite fast. In the end, it will reach peaks of 3-4k per tick, making it impossible to heal. By this time, EoA should be dead or almost dead since you won't be able to take much from the Aura at that stage. As a healer your main priority will be keeping up the main tank (Soul Scream plus the Aura will be tough) and also everyone will be taking damage from the Aura, which you need to heal through. Healers will most likely need a few tries on this phase before they get used to what's going on and adapt to the most effective healing strategies. Make sure everybody is in a role where they can get the most healing per second out of their class and spec. People should use Healthstones and potions when the Aura ticks start becoming high (2,000-3,000) in order to ease the healers' work. Important: The Aura resets on an individual basis when you die, meaning that if it was ticking for 3,000, you die, and you ankh or soulstone, it will start over on you individually from the intial damage level (103). It will still be ticking for 3,000 on the rest of the raid, of course. A proper use of soulstones on low HP people can boost your DPS a fair bit, but you shouldn't rely on this to win the fight. It should be noted that Cauldrons of Shadow Protection Potions work equally to help healers in phase 3. They can be drunk in unison at about 80% health on Essence of Anger. This allows the healers a chance to catch up on healing, and at 70% you can use Bloodlusts and all cooldowns. This way, you increase DPS because players are not thinking about when they need to react to the Spite being applied, and the healers can still catch up on healing (also, it simplifies cauldron making because Shadow Protection Potions work well for Mother Shahraz too!) Class Assignments Tanks Phase 1: Follow the plan in the phase description, remembering to save your health for the enraged stages. DPS all the time. Phase 2: If you are MT, you will be Spellreflect-ing his Deaden and building as much threat as you can. Phase 3: Tank Essence of Anger, pointing it away from the raid, and use up your rage as fast as you can. Rogues Phase 1: Follow the plan in the phase description. You may have to save your health for the enraged stages so you can Evasion tank. DPS all the time. Phase 2: Interrupt Spirit Shock, taking great care not to interrupt Deaden, and DPS. Phase 3: DPS as much as possible. Warlocks Phase 1: Follow the plan in the phase description. You may have to save your health for the enraged stages if you have high stamina. DPS all the time. Phase 2: DPS as much as possible and use felhunter if your raid decides to remove the Rune Shield that way. Phase 3: DPS as much as possible. Mages Phase 1: Follow the plan in the phase description. DPS all the time. Phase 2: DPS as much as possible and use Spellsteal if your raid decides to remove the Rune Shield that way. Phase 3: DPS as much as possible. Hunters Phase 1: Follow the plan in the phase description. DPS all the time. Phase 2/3: DPS as much as possible. Using Misdirection is advised on phases 2 and 3 so that tanks can get extra threat (thus allowing more DPS). Healers Phase 1: Follow the plan in the phase description. DPS all the time. Dispel Soul Drain. Phase 2: Assigned in two different groups: first one being the Main Tank and melee DPS and the second being the ranged group. Shamans prove to be good at this with Chain Heal. Phase 3: Again an intensive healing fight where you need to assign healers to both melee and tank as well as the ranged DPS players. 7. Mother Shahraz Raid Setup Tanks: 3 Healers: 9 DPS: 13 Buffs, Potions and Gear Full Black Temple craftable shadow gear is required, as well as Medallion of Karabor. With these items and the shadow resistance buff from priests you will reach the shadow resistance cap. Also, Major Shadow Protection Potions are useful, as are lots of Major Mageblood Potions and Super Mana Potions. Everyone is wears the shadow resistance gear except the main tank who uses his regular tanking gear. Boss Abilities Health - 4,500,000 HP Melee Strength - 6-7k per hit Enrage - 10 minutes Silencing Shriek A melee range 9 second silence. Beams Constantly throughout the fight, Mother Shahraz is going to shoot 1 of 4 different Beams at a random player. Each beam "chains" to a total of any 10 players, and most of them do shadow damage. She will shoot 1 type of beam 3 times in a row and then switch to another type of beam. They are as follows: Sinister Beam - Deals 2000 shadow damage and does a small knockback to affected targets. This knockback effect does not affect the 3 tanks. Sinful Beam - Deals 6938 to 8062 shadow damage. Vile Beam - Applies a debuff causing 2500 shadow damage every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. Wicked Beam - Drains 1000 mana from affected targets. Not affected by Shadow Resistance. Fatal Attraction Teleports 1-3 players to a random location, giving them a debuff called Fatal Attraction that deals 2500 damage per tick, to all players in a 25 yard radius, every second for a total of 30 seconds. The debuff itself is not dispellable or removable, but Iceblock and Divine Shield make you immune to the damage component. The debuff disappears as soon as all of the players with it are 25 yards away from each other. That separation is the key to winning the encounter. If you stay close to each other for more than 5-10 seconds, no matter how much shadow resistance or potions or healthstones you have, you and the people around you are going to die from the massive damage. If just one person is affected by Fatal Attraction, they can simply ignore it and run back to their o |
Czy mogę zapytać, skąd tekst został skopiowany i czy miałeś na to pozwolenie ?
Poniższy tekst napisałem na potrzeby mojej gildii, dołączyłem do każdego bossa filmik + link do dokładnego opisu strategii. Wypisałem także krytyczne zdolności boss'ów, na które szczególnie należy zwrócić uwagę.
Here comes some infos about critical points (strategies, abilities) of each bosses, but first the setup we aim for: 1 x MT 3 x OT 1 x lock tank: maxed shadow prot (250 shadow resistance at least), not a single talent point in Nether Protection < just for Illidan 5- 6 x Healers 15 x DPS Okay, time for bosses: Ad 1:High Warlord Naj'entus Vid: LINK Frost Aura, Frostresistance Totem - it's a MUST for this fight. Ranged need to spread out. Only 1 tank needed for this fight. Abilities you must know about: - Impaling Spine - impaling one random person, immobilizing it. Impaled player becomes lootable - everyone near to it has to loot it - Tidal Shield - beeing cast for every 60 s, makes him immune. It's also healing the boss for 1% hp every 2s. The only way to take it down is throwing Spine (look Impaling Spine) After 1st Shield down it's rense and repeat. Ad 2:Supremus Vid: LINK 2 tanks needed. Abilities you must know about: Phase 1: - Molten Flame – much like koralons flames, must be avoided obviously. - Hateful Stike – massive dmg done to player with highest HP, shouldn’t be a prob ![]() Phase 2: - Gaze – he chases a random person. Everyone in second phase should try to be 400 yds away from boss, if not, he’ll knock you out for 5k dmg. - Volcanic Gazer – creates a small volcano that throw 2 blue flames that has to be avoided. Ad 3:Shade of Akama 3 tanks needed. Adds will spawn in 2 places of the room. Team have to split up in 3 teams. Everyone need to know adds abilities, so just read up stategy. Ad 4:Teron Gorefiend Vid: LINK 1 tank needed. - Shadow of Death – debuff that changes player into a ghost. This will also spawn 4 Shadowy Constructs, which has to be killed by player affected by this debuff. - Boss will also mark one player “for death” each 30 secs. So any B rezz, soul stones are most welcome. Ad 5:Gurtogg Bloodboil Vid: LINK 3 tanks needed. Heavy healing battle. - Bloodboil – it’s the most critical ability he uses, each 10 s of fight he’ll cast this debuff on 5 furthest away from him players. We’ll need 1-2 groups switching between each other to avoid heavy debuff stacking. - Geyser - Targets the Fel Raged person and deals 5k nature damage to that person and all raid members within 5 yards of them. Easy one, if you see someone with Fel Rage, just run for 10 yds away. Person with Fel Rage needs to heal alot, so pots, healthstones etc are most welcome Ad 6:Reliquary of Souls Vid: LINK Read up strat here, kinda important to know position etc. We'll need 2 tanks and heavy healing during this encounter. Ad 7:Illidari Council Vid: LINK Read up each ones abilities. Ad 8:Illidan Stormrage – tanking, positioning and also adds, EVERYONE have to read this up. It’s long encounter, without enrage. |
powinien dostac warna za samego posta, jest za długi -.-
Happy Taurens come from Mulgore.
Jest masakrycznie dłuuuugi...ale coś tam pomogło - szczególnie filmiki ;]
Sorry, ale Twin Blades of Azzinoth to artefakty i juz nigdy nie będą do zdobycia. W Nagrand jest NPC z tymi Blade'ami. Legendarne są Warglaive of Azzinoth, które niełączą się w Twin Blades tylko mają bonusy jak ktoś ma obydwa. |
Oj przykro mi to mówić ale nie masz racji. Radzę poczytać najpierw, a później dopiero się wypowiadać. Nie lubię jak ktoś mi tu herezje sieje ;o |
A ja mam najlepszą i niezawodną taktykę, nie paść :)
Owszem mam rację i nie sieję herezji. |
A teraz możesz pokornie przyznać, że nie miałeś racji i przestać wypowiadać się na tematy o których nie masz pojęcia. Dziękuję
..:: Odi Profanum Vulgus ::..
Kto się ukrywał szczuty i tropiony Nigdy nie będzie umiał stanąć prosto WoW status - temporary available |