Oferty w sklepie

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Jeżeli kupie sobie WoW kompletna kolekcja LINK jeżeli mam juz wykupionego wowa to da mi to 30 dni gry? Bo gdy wchodze w płatność to pisze 44,99 euro a po tyle chodzą tylko dodatki bez czasu gry. Mógłby mi ktoś to wyjaśnić?
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Jest tam napisane:

Pre-purchase: World of Warcraft®: Battle for Azeroth™ will release on August 14, 2018.

Purchase of World of Warcraft®: Battle for Azeroth™ makes available the questlines which enable players to access the Highmountain tauren, Lightforged draenei, Nightborne, and Void elves. To unlock Allied Races quest lines, players must have a level 110 character and have met specific questing and reputation requirements on the factions that each Allied Race is aligned with.

Includes Level 110 Character Boost only

30 days of game time included
Honor heroes, no matter how dire the battle - Never forsake it.

[Draenor Horda] Browarnicy - rekrutacja LINK

permalink wysłany:
to jest oferta wow + legion + bfa
pewnie te 30 dni to jest z wowa ktorego juz masz aktywnego