(courtesy of user Sixen)
Contrary to popular belief, submitting tickets on the PTR does
not work. Any tickets submitted on the PTR will be closed automatically without response. With that in mind, you'll need to head over to the reporting site:
http://www.blizzard.com/support/?id=eHacks000Fill out your information in the top (Your Email, Your Name, Account Name, and Product). For the Category field, select "Report a player for hacking".
In order to make this as simple as possible, you can use the included template below as the description for reporting users. All you need to do is replace the information surrounded by asterisks with the relevant information to your incident.
I want to report a PTR hacker who is ruining the testers ability to test new content and gameplay on the PTR. Normally these PTR hackers wouldn't cause much of a problem but this PTR hacker has ruined the experience for myself and
probably for many others. I am taking the time to report this PTR hacker to prevent this from continuing to happen. The information of the PTR hacker and the incident can be seen below.
Character Name: *PTR HACKER name goes here*
Realm: *Realm name goes here*
Date/Time: *Date/Time of offense goes here(use server time)*
Details: *Details go here (speedhacker, wallhacker, etc)*
Thank you! =).
If you have an attachment you would like to send Blizzard, please email it to
[email protected] with the subject "Hack Attachment" and be sure to send it from the same email address you listed above. Useful attachments include screenshots of exploitable locations and compressed versions of otherwise unavailable hack programs/DLLs you may have come across. (If you can give a link to the website you found the hack at, that is better.)
To report inappropriate behavior on the PTR, you can shoot an e-mail to
[email protected] with the same information listed in the quote. You may also view the Terms of Service Agreement here:
Taken from the PTR Info & Rules Sticky:
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2483688362#3Q. I was banned without a warning.
A. The PTR is a tool for Blizzard QA, and as such players who are disruptive will not be tolerated and will be removed without any warning. The normal Customer Service escalation procedure does not apply here. PTR Bans will last at least until the next PTR phase, if not longer.
Q. Are there GMs on the PTR? I submitted a GM ticket and never got a response.
A. There is no normal GM support on the PTRs, there are monitors who watch for inappropriate or disruptive behavior. The EULA that applies to the normal realms also applies to the PTRs. Any tickets submitted on the PTR will be closed automatically without response.
Q. People are spamming or otherwise acting inappropriately on the PTR what can I do?
A. As stated before players who act inappropriately on the test realms will be dealt with quickly and severely. To report inappropriate behavior please email customer service at [email protected] be sure to include in your email that you are reporting from the test realms.
Q. I saw someone cheating what can I do?
A. The Terms of Service agreement for World of Warcraft applies the same to the Test Realms. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/legal/termsofuse.html
It is a common misconception that because there is no standard GM support on the test realms that there are no consequences for cheating, this is untrue. We actively remove players who are cheating or otherwise acting inappropriately on the test realms. Actions taken against players who do not follow the terms of service will be quick and severe.
Players who suspect cheating of any kind should report it via the Blizzard support webform located here: http://www.blizzard.com/support/?id=eHacks000